Parking lot day/night

(6630) Tingvoll - Hafellvegen

Created on 03.08.2022 by PaoloGCS
#357066 - Parking lot day/night

Petite clairière avec banc au bord d'une route départementale. vue sur le lac chemin de terre facile à marcher. meilleure fourgonnette et véhicule tout-terrain

Small clearing with bench on the side of a secondary road. lake view dirt road easy to walk. better van and off-road vehicle

Kleine Lichtung mit Bank am Rand einer Nebenstraße. Seeblick Feldweg leicht zu gehen. besserer Van und Geländewagen

Piccolo spiazzo con panchina a lato di una strada secondaria. vista sul lago strada sterrata facile da percorrere. meglio van e fuoristrada

Parking cost
Number of places
Open all year
  • 62.8816, 8.1984 (lat, lng)
    N 62°52’53.8716” E 8°11’54.0852”

  • Hafellvegen
    6630 Tingvoll,
    flag-no Norway

Average ( Feedback) : /5
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