Daytime parking only

(PH8 0HX) Dunkeld - Old Military Road

Created on 09.08.2018 by timandpaula
#93473 - Daytime parking only
2 services
  • Waste container
  • Public toilets
1 activities
  • Point of view

Parking Hermitage géré par le Scottish National, il y a 2 parkings, très belle promenade.

Nous sommes heureux d'accueillir les visiteurs en camping-car pendant la journée, mais nous n'avons pas d'installations disponibles pour vider les toilettes - nos gardes forestiers ont parlé à des visiteurs qui étaient sur le point de le faire - ni de robinet d'eau.

Nous demandons également à tous nos visiteurs - dans la mesure du possible - d'emporter leurs déchets et leur recyclage chez eux pour les y déposer, ou dans une installation gérée par la municipalité, ce qui aide l'association à réduire au minimum les coûts de service des déchets.

Merci pour votre aide

Hermitage car park run by the Scottish National, there are 2 car parks, lovely walk.

We are happy to welcome campervan visitors during the day but we do not have facilities available to empty toilets - our rangers have spoken to visitors who were about to do this - nor do we have a water tap.

We also ask all our visitors - where possible - to take their rubbish and recycling home to drop off there, or to a council run facility, which helps the charity keep waste service costs to a minimum.

Thank you for your help

Hermitage-Parkplatz, verwaltet vom Scottish National, es gibt 2 Parkplätze, sehr schöner Spaziergang.

Tagsüber nehmen wir gerne Wohnmobilbesucher auf, verfügen jedoch weder über Möglichkeiten zum Entleeren der Toiletten – unsere Ranger haben mit Besuchern gesprochen, die dies tun wollten – noch über einen Wasserhahn.

Wir bitten außerdem alle unsere Besucher – soweit möglich –, ihre Abfälle und Recyclingmaterialien zur Entsorgung nach Hause oder zu einer von der Gemeinde betriebenen Einrichtung zu bringen, was dem Verein dabei hilft, die Kosten für den Abfallservice auf ein Minimum zu beschränken.

Ich danke Ihnen für Ihre Hilfe

Parking cost
Number of places
Open all year
  • 56.5610, -3.6078 (lat, lng)
    N 56°33’39.5172” W 3°36’28.2564”

  • Old Military Road
    PH8 0HX Dunkeld,
    flag-gb United Kingdom

Average (7 Feedback) : 3.86/5
  • 3/5

    NTS owned private car park, with lots of No Overnight Parking signs. No facilities for motorhomes to empty toilets, portaloo are for daytime visitors only. Hermitage is beautiful, great for a daytime stop but would recommend parking in upper car park, a little more room. £4 pay and display parking.

  • 3/5

    There are now at least 2 no overnight parking signs :-( Great for daytime stop though :-)

  • 2/5

    lots of signs saying no overnight parking but a handy and beautiful stop in the day with bins and portaloos

  • 5/5

    2 Parkings with a 3rd about 700m up a track. The top car park is just off A9 so is noisy. It also has bit of a slope. However it is big enough for larger motorhome. The lower car park is quieter and flatter. It is fine for up to 6m long. The lower parking is busy till about 6pm then a few couples arrived at about 10pm for 'romance'. After that peaceful. Lovely walks & you can swim. Perfect.

  • 5/5

    Arrived late only one other camper very quiet and felt safe good walks nearby would recommend remember just leave footprints

  • 4/5

    Quiet car park, slightly busy road but didn’t bother us. Amazing waterfall walk! Bins available but nothing else.

  • 5/5

    It’s a £3 parking fee and the time was stamped that we had to leave before 23:59