Rest area

(5261) Šempas - Počivališče Šempas

Created on 01.11.2017 by roVAN
#67561 - Rest area
8 services
  • Pets allowed
  • Drinking water
  • Black water
  • Wastewater
  • Waste container
  • Public toilets
  • Electricity (access possible)
  • Internet access via WiFi
1 activities
  • Monuments to visit

Station d'essence de camping-car Petrol Šempas

Camper stop gas station Petrol Šempas

Benzin Šempas Wohnmobiltankstelle

Gasolinera Šempas autocaravana gasolinera

Benzina Šempas distributore di benzina per camper

Benzine empas camper tankstation

Parking cost
Number of places
  • 45.9172, 13.7204 (lat, lng)
    N 45°55’1.9128” E 13°43’13.44”

  • Počivališče Šempas
    5261 Šempas,
    flag-si Slovenia

Average (5 Feedback) : 2.6/5
  • 2/5

    I can't figure out why these locks?

  • 3/5

    Water and toilet dumping (yes it is locked but they will give you a key inside in you ask for it). A bit rundown but does the work

  • 2/5

    Unfortunately, the WC emptying area is not functional (it is locked). But you can refill with water.

  • 3/5

    Bord met P en camper. De campertjes op het asfalt zijn grijs gekalkt.

  • 3/5

    Free electricity, water and a place for dropping gray matter