Daily parking lot only

(5350) Strobl - 307 Strobl

Created on 14.07.2018 by mfleschhut
#86225 - Daily parking lot only
3 activities
  • Departure of hikes
  • Fishing spots
  • Swimming possible

Grands prés Parking directement derrière la plage. Payant et camping interdit selon panneau.

Large meadows Parking directly behind the beach. Paying and camping prohibited according to sign.

Große Wiesen Parkplatz direkt hinter dem Strand. Bezahlen und Zelten laut Schild verboten.

  • 47.7159, 13.4531 (lat, lng)
    N 47°42’57.3048” E 13°27’11.0412”

  • 307 Strobl
    5350 Strobl,
    flag-at Austria

Average (1 Feedback) : 5/5
  • 5/5

    Siamo stati molto bene. Bel posto vicino al lago. Per 25 euro si può dormire la notte. Molto tranquilla sotto l’ombra degli alberi