Service area without parking

(20014) Donostia - Miramon Pasealekua

Created on 10.08.2024 by IsabelleAGESNE
#534415 - Service area without parking
2 services
  • Drinking water
  • Wastewater

Situé sous le pont, emplacement pour vidanger eau grise et toilettes

Located under the bridge, there is a water point with no thread and you'll need to hold the button though there is good flow. Grey water waste disposal beside tap.

Unter der Brücke gelegen, Ort zum Entleeren von Grauwasser und Toiletten

Ubicado debajo del puente, lugar para vaciar aguas grises y sanitarios.

Price of services
Open all year
  • 43.2977, -1.9717 (lat, lng)
    N 43°17’51.7848” W 1°58’18.2352”

  • Miramon Pasealekua
    20014 Donostia,
    flag-es Spain

Average (6 Feedback) : 3.83/5
  • 4/5

    Stayed here last night. Quite noisy with the traffic til late, and again early in the morning. There was also torrential rain and the rain water from the road comes down a waterfall next to the park up. However, a movie covered the sound of the outside noise and we did sleep very well.. Emptied grey water and refilled the fresh tank.

  • 5/5

    Super Möglichkeit, um kostenlos Abwasser abzulassen, Toilette zu leeren und Frischwasser aufzufüllen. Gut zugänglich!

  • 3/5

    did not see where to throw the wc. I think only grey water refill. refill is difficult as the button kust be pressed always and no thread, unfortunately this is a classic for the area. do not recommend the place if you have better options. did wait only 2 mins on Sunday afternoon

  • 3/5

    Se pueden vaciar sanitarios fácilmente si eres autocarabana, si tienes un vater portatil tipo poti no es tan cómodo. Además, la fuente de agua solo puede llenar el depósito si tienes una manguera para enchufar.

  • 3/5

    no pudimos rellenar agua por el tipo de boquilla

  • 5/5

    vidange et point d'eau sous le pont. je n'ai pas su mettre d'eau, il n'y a pas de raccord a visser.