Extra services

(09090) Simala - 7 Via Santa Vitalia

Created on 21.07.2024 by LoBoo
#523052 - Extra services
1 services
  • Drinking water
1 activities
  • Monuments to visit

Source d'eau de ville, je ne suis pas sûr à 100 % si elle est potable

Source of city water, not 100% sure if it’s drinkable

Quelle des Stadtwassers, nicht 100% sicher, ob es trinkbar ist

Fonte d'acqua cittadina, non sicura al 100% se sia potabile

Price of services
Parking cost
Number of places
Open all year
  • 39.7217, 8.8278 (lat, lng)
    N 39°43’17.94” E 8°49’39.9072”

  • 7 Via Santa Vitalia
    09090 Simala,
    flag-it Italy

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