Extra services

(06010) Badajoz - N-432

Created on 16.01.2024 by krespo
#480772 - Extra services
2 services
  • Drinking water
  • Bottled gas services

Gare Repsol. Il dispose de bouteilles de butane et de propane.

Repsol Station. It has butane and propane cylinders.

Repsol-Station. Es verfügt über Butan- und Propanflaschen.

Estación Repsol. Tiene bombonas de butano y propano.

Price of services
Bombona: 15€ con casco 26 si no tienes
Parking cost
Number of places
Open all year
  • 38.8488, -6.9384 (lat, lng)
    N 38°50’55.5396” W 6°56’18.3984”

  • N-432
    06010 Badajoz,
    flag-es Spain

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