Daily parking lot only

(030167) București - 5 Strada Sfinților

Created on 06.11.2023 by Julsbert95
#474066 - Daily parking lot only
1 services
  • 3G/4G internet
1 activities
  • Monuments to visit

Vous pouvez vous garer dans la rue sans payer. Très proche du centre ville !

You can park along the street without paying. Very near to the City Center!

Sie können entlang der Straße parken, ohne zu bezahlen. Ganz in der Nähe des Stadtzentrums!

Parking cost
Number of places
Open all year
  • 44.4353, 26.1078 (lat, lng)
    N 44°26’7.1664” E 26°6’28.1304”

  • 5 Strada Sfinților
    030167 București,
    flag-ro Romania

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