Parking lot day/night

(08690) Liman - Karadeniz Sahil Yolu

Created on 08.06.2023 by Martoufe
#420858 - Parking lot day/night
2 services
  • Pets allowed
  • 3G/4G internet
2 activities
  • Fishing spots
  • Swimming possible

Parking non loin de la route mais plutôt calme la nuit. Très belle plage de galets, a seulement 15min de la frontière.

Plutôt sale mais on s'en contente ...

Pas mal de chauffeurs poids lourds arrivant le soir. nous nous sommes garé un peu au fond. aucun soucis.

idéal avant de passer la frontière TR --> GE.

Parking not far from the road but rather quiet at night. Very nice pebble beach, only 15min from the border.

Rather dirty but we're happy with it...

A lot of HGV drivers arriving in the evening. we parked a bit at the bottom. no problem.

ideal before crossing the TR --> GE border.

Parken nicht weit von der Straße entfernt, aber nachts eher ruhig. Sehr schöner Kiesstrand, nur 15min von der Grenze entfernt.

Ziemlich dreckig, aber wir sind zufrieden damit...

Abends kommen viele LKW-Fahrer an. Wir parkten etwas unten. Kein Problem.

Ideal vor dem Überqueren der TR -> GE-Grenze.

Price of services
Parking cost
Number of places
Open all year
  • 41.4602, 41.4737 (lat, lng)
    N 41°27’36.702” E 41°28’25.32”

  • Karadeniz Sahil Yolu
    08690 Liman,
    flag-tr Türkiye

Average (1 Feedback) : 2/5
  • 2/5

    The description is pretty accurate, it serves the purpose of a place to sleep before crossing into Georgia, nothing more, nothing less. No real alternative in Hopa and surrounding.