MH parking without services

(4780) Santo Tirso - 115 Travessa das Rãs

Created on 21.02.2023 by BroutetAlicia
#397676 - MH parking without services

3 places de parking, réservé au camping-car, surveillé par caméra, calme la nuit, boulangerie à 50m, aire de vidange à 400m au magasin Auchan. Cales nécessaires.

3 parking spaces, reserved for motorhomes, monitored by camera, quiet at night, bakery 50m away, emptying area 400m away at the Auchan store. Shims required.

3 Stellplätze, reserviert für Wohnmobile, kameraüberwacht, nachts ruhig, Bäckerei 50m entfernt, Entleerungsplatz 400m entfernt beim Auchan-Geschäft. Unterlegscheiben erforderlich.

Parking cost
Number of places
Open all year
  • 41.3369, -8.4773 (lat, lng)
    N 41°20’12.768” W 8°28’38.2872”

  • 115 Travessa das Rãs
    4780 Santo Tirso,
    flag-pt Portugal

Average (6 Feedback) : 3.67/5
  • 5/5

    Parking Mixte avec chant du coq compris gratuit en contre bas rue commerçante calme

  • 3/5

    Inclinado hacia un lateral, está en un aparcamiento donde puede haber bastante movimiento de coches si es fin de semana. También tiene un gallinero cerca. A las 5 de la mañana ya empezaron los gallos a despertarnos.

  • 5/5

    Estacionamento exclusivo para autocaravanas com 3 vagas e possibilidade de pernoita de até 48 horas. Tivemos uma noite tranquila e nos sentimos muito seguros.

  • 3/5

    Plenty of space at 10pm!!!

  • 2/5

    We arrived at 4pm and all three spaces were vacant. However by 5pm, they were filled with cars. There is a turnover so you might be lucky. Also note that spaces only big enough for vans shorted than 7m

  • 4/5

    i arrived at 7pm and the carpark was full of cars even the designated spaces. I than went to service area which is few minute drive to see if I could stay there instead. I decided would be to noisy. I came back here and just waited till there was a space. by 9pm there was space is designated area. not quiet level but bit of grass at back for dog. actually was quiet woken by chickens that's all