Surrounded by nature

(ML12 6TJ) Biggar -

Created on 15.07.2022 by Jorg2020
#347355 - Surrounded by nature
1 services
  • 3G/4G internet
2 activities
  • Fishing spots
  • Swimming possible

Parking au bord de la rivière, en retrait de la route. En pleine nature entourée de moutons. Sol rocheux Pas de toilettes, pas de poubelles… alors emportez tout avec vous !

Parking by the river, set back from the road. In the middle of nature surrounded by sheep. Rocky floor No restroom, no litter bins… so take everything with you!

Parken am Fluss, von der Straße zurückversetzt. Mitten in der Natur, umgeben von Schafen. Felsiger Boden Keine Toilette, keine Mülleimer… also alles mitnehmen!

Aparcamiento junto al río, apartado de la carretera. En plena naturaleza rodeado de ovejas. ¡Suelo rocoso Sin servicio, sin papeleras… ¡así que llévate todo contigo!

Parking cost
Number of places
Open all year
  • 55.3822, -3.6407 (lat, lng)
    N 55°22’56.028” W 3°38’26.4444”

  • ML12 6TJ Biggar,
    flag-gb United Kingdom

Average (14 Feedback) : 3.79/5
  • 5/5

    absolutely marvellous. With 4x4 and good tires down and up possible. Engaged center and rear locker, went though smoothly with 6 tons

  • 2/5

    un endroit magnifique, malheureusement le chemin pour y accéder était impraticable et le matin en repassant, les vaches toutes pris leur aise sur le chemin il faudra donc s'armer de patience.

  • 1/5

    Wir wollten dort hinfahren aber es war eine sehr schlammige aufgeweichte Strasse welche sehr wahrscheinlich von Traktoren benutzt wird und es regnete in Strömen als wir dort ankamen. Wir fuhren zurück und suchten uns einen anderen Platz

  • 4/5

    We arrived here around 6pm, so it was already quite dark and raining. As we turned down the gravel track to get to the parking spot we realised there were a LOT of cows standing completely in our way. Reversed out of the track and we drove a little further down the road to a lay by. Absolutely gorgeous views with the sunrise. We walked down to the little river, such a beautiful place!

  • 5/5

    We stayed here last night for the first night of our road trip. Amazing, peaceful spot by the river. Barely any wind too. Lots of space to park up.

  • 5/5

    Sweet spot, easy to miss off the road track leads to the river below. We were the only vehicle around. Lovely peaceful spot.

  • 5/5

    Amazing spot. Best I’ve seen in the uk. This is right on the river with no fence, fantastic location. Re the shooting, don’t be alarmed, there is a lodge nearby and shooting in rural Scotland is perfectly normal. There was shooting whilst we stayed, and I’m sure some great venison was the result…not intended to intimidate. Locals farmers happy with vans.

  • 5/5

    Most relaxing place i ever parked . Quiet all night and morning . The road is okay plenty of room on a flat surface

  • 5/5

    Wunderschöner Ort, umgeben von Schafen, völlig ungestört. Unterhalb der Straße, in der Zeit als wir da waren sind 5 Autos vorbeigefahren. Direkter Zugang zum Fluss.

  • 4/5

    Good spot very peaceful, saw a farmer but he didn't come near us. Rough terrain but worth it for the peace and lovely suroundings. Stayed 1 night. Please take your litter with you.!

  • 5/5

    Beautiful and tranquil, nice spot next to the burn, there were cattle when we arrived but they moved on and the sheep turned up in the morning. A farmer passed by but didn't say anything or move us on. Enjoyed the sunrise with a coffee and watched the Hares and Wagtails.

  • 5/5

    Einer der ruhigsten Plätze, an denen ich bisher war! Habe nur das Plätschern des Baches und die Schafe und Vögel gehört. Wunderschön hier! Ich will gar nicht mehr weg!

  • 1/5

    We are the "neighbours" of the other comment, so we confirm what they said.

  • 1/5

    Careful there. We were staying in this beautiful location with another van . In the middle of the night we heard two shots aiming at our direction . When our "neighbour" went out with lamps , we saw a car on the road a bit higher. It left when the lamps pointed at their direction . We didn't feel safe anymore and we both left the location.