Parking lot day/night

(56410) Montabaur - 29 Von-Bodelschwingh-Straße

Created on 08.07.2022 by Lennibaer
#344119 - Parking lot day/night
2 services
  • Pets allowed
  • 3G/4G internet

Parking de l'école, où il ne se passe logiquement rien le week-end et pendant les vacances.

School car park, where logically nothing happens on weekends and during the holidays.

Schulparkplatz, an dem am Wochenende und in den Ferien logischerweise nichts los ist.

Price of services
Parking cost
Number of places
Open all year
  • 50.4388, 7.8155 (lat, lng)
    N 50°26’19.608” E 7°48’55.7532”

  • 29 Von-Bodelschwingh-Straße
    56410 Montabaur,
    flag-de Germany

Average (1 Feedback) : 4/5
  • 4/5

    More parking options, around the dot on the map. Very quiet night in the weekend. The gravel park is fine for a night. you only hear traffic far away. No services.