Parking lot day/night

(17100) Tevfikiye - Tevfikiye Yolu

Created on 17.04.2022 by
#320038 - Parking lot day/night
1 activities
  • Monuments to visit

Nous nous sommes garés ici pour la nuit, au bord de la route, juste en face du restaurant Troia Nova. Personne ne nous a dérangés, les voitures payantes passent, l'endroit est très calme. Quelques chiens errants autour mais ils sont sympathiques. C'est un bon endroit pour attendre le musée Troia.

We parked here overnight, by the side of the road, right across Troia Nova restaurant. No one bothered us, fee cars pass by, the place is very quiet. Some stray dogs around but they are friendly. This is a good spot to wait for the Troia museum.

Wir haben hier über Nacht am Straßenrand geparkt, direkt gegenüber dem Restaurant Troia Nova. Niemand hat uns gestört, es fahren gebührenpflichtige Autos vorbei, der Ort ist sehr ruhig. Einige streunende Hunde herum, aber sie sind freundlich. Dies ist ein guter Ort, um auf das Troia-Museum zu warten.

Parking cost
Number of places
Open all year
  • 39.9559, 26.2482 (lat, lng)
    N 39°57’21.3156” E 26°14’53.4012”

  • Tevfikiye Yolu
    17100 Tevfikiye,
    flag-tr Türkiye

Average (9 Feedback) : 3.67/5
  • 3/5

    Trascorsa qui la notte dalle 02:00 in poi dopo aver abbandonato lo spot precedente. parcheggio tranquillo, solo qualche cane che abbaia.

  • 5/5

    We had an amazing overnight stay at Troia Nova Hisarlik where we also have been eating. We are a larger group from Denmark and they made space for us so we could park. Super friendly and very welcoming. The brothers of the shop speaks English and Swedish.

  • 5/5

    only stopped for a meal. restaurant friendly and welcoming, food reasonably priced and delicious. street dogs very friendly, they just wanted patting. seems possible to stay overnight but right next to the road. very handy for a stop before the museum.

  • 5/5

    Vraiment top et pratique pour tout . Les propriétaires sont très sympa et accueillant.

  • 3/5

    The dogs are nocturnal here and bark and howl all night. The restaurant opposite is reasonable priceed but we did not eat. 1 effes and a glass of wine 150tl. Some traffic noise early in the morning.

  • 3/5

    We stayed there for one night in early December. Good enough but loads of strain dogs barking all night. Not so quiet.

  • 3/5

    Convenient for the Museum and a short walk to the ruins of Troy. Dogs do bark during the night.

  • 2/5

    Wszystko niby ok ale psy ujadały do późnej nocy a nad ranem zaczęły wyć wraz ze śpiewem imama dochodzącym z minaretu, nie polecam jeśli ktoś jest nie przyzwyczajony do odgłosów szczekających biegajacych psów

  • 4/5

    A easy place to park for free. Very wide off road space opposite an excellent restaurant whose owner speaks English. Very close to the entrances for both the museum and the ruins. Walking distance to both though there is free parking at the museum but at the ruins there is a fee of TL40. Combined entrance fee to both attractions is TL 130 which is excellent value.