Parking lot day/night

(GL6 6SU) Stroud - Cotswold Way

Created on 27.07.2021 by gvdorival
#262940 - Parking lot day/night
1 services
  • Waste container
1 activities
  • Departure of hikes

Parking pour environ 8 voitures, trois garages supplémentaires. Calme la nuit.

Parking for approximately 8 cars, three additional layby. Quiet at night.

Parkplatz für ca. 8 Autos, drei zusätzliche Liegeplätze. Nachts ruhig.

Parking para 8 autos aproximadamente, tres layby adicionales . Tranquilo de noche .

Parcheggio per circa 8 auto, tre garage aggiuntivi. Tranquillo di notte.

Parkeerplaats voor ongeveer 8 auto's, drie extra garages. Stil 's nachts.

Price of services
Parking cost
Number of places
Open all year
  • 51.8042, -2.1938 (lat, lng)
    N 51°48’15.12” W 2°11’37.7052”

  • Cotswold Way
    GL6 6SU Stroud,
    flag-gb United Kingdom

Average (9 Feedback) : 3.78/5
  • 5/5

    Great park up on a quiet road next to the beacon. Few level spots. Only can there so we had it easy and was nice and level. Good to walk the hound in the morning. No services or bins so need to be self contained.

  • 5/5

    Very quiet during the night. Stayed there on my way to Wales and stayed again on the way back. Very nice walk up the hill right next to the spot. Views are great from the hill.

  • 5/5

    Très beau lieu pour passer une nuit, assez calme et plusieurs emplacements. À proximité du golf et donc de belles balades dans les collines

  • 4/5

    Sehr unebene Parkplätze. Ansonsten war die Nacht sehr ruhig.

  • 4/5

    If you can find a flat space, it's a great spot! Busy in the day but been here twice arriving after 6pm and it's quiet. Can walk into the woods and to the beacon easily. Lots of dog walkers in the morning but no bother.

  • 2/5

    we moved on, it's just let by/parking spaces next to the road, which is at a golf green. No view.

  • 4/5

    Okay voor een overnachting. Wel veel verkeer tot laat in de nacht van wandelaars en fietsers die er hun auto parkeren. Was pas stil na 12.00 uur ‘s nachts.

  • 4/5

    Camped here in the van, quiet spot, the odd car drove past. Didn’t see and didn’t see any doggers. Recommend an early walk (before the golfers) to the top of the beacon where the trigonometry point is, stunning views!

  • 1/5

    Popular spot for dogging