Service area without parking

(G0C 2K0) Paspébiac - 30 3e Rue

Created on 13.07.2021 by ma911
#256147 - Service area without parking
2 services
  • Black water
  • Wastewater
5 activities
  • Windsurf/kitesurf (Spot of)
  • Canoe/kayak (Base of)
  • Swimming possible
  • Point of view
  • Playground

10$ payable au camping pour vidange eaux usees

$ 10 payable at the campsite for waste water emptying

10 $ zahlbar auf dem Campingplatz für die Abwasserentleerung

$ 10 pagaderos en el campamento por el vaciado de aguas residuales

Price of services
10$ canadien
Open all year
  • 48.0179, -65.2486 (lat, lng)
    N 48°1’4.3608” W 65°14’55.0968”

  • 30 3e Rue
    G0C 2K0 Paspébiac,
    flag-ca Canada

Average (1 Feedback) : 5/5
  • 5/5

    We stayed here for a night, Oct. 3, 2021. It was off-season and no where to pay. The area is beautiful and very quiet at night.