Daily parking lot only

(99762) Neustadt/Harz -

Created on 17.04.2021 by petting
#233843 - Daily parking lot only
1 services
  • Waste container
4 activities
  • Monuments to visit
  • Departure of hikes
  • Swimming possible
  • Point of view

Parking à la piscine extérieure. Malheureusement, il est interdit de passer la nuit en mobil-home. Point de départ d'une randonnée vers le château de Hohenstein. 4 G via Vodafone. Accès étroit sur un petit pont de 7,5 t maximum.

Parking lot at the outdoor pool. Unfortunately, it is forbidden to stay overnight with a mobile home. Starting point for a hike to Hohenstein Castle. 4 G via Vodafone. Narrow access over a small bridge with a maximum of 7.5 t.

Parkplatz am Freibad. Leider ist das Übernachten mit Wohnmobil verboten. Ausgangspunkt zur Wanderung zur Burg Hohnstein. 4 G per Vodafone. Enge Zufahrt über kleine Brücke mit max. 7.5 t.

Aparcamiento en la piscina exterior. Desafortunadamente, está prohibido pasar la noche en una casa móvil. Punto de partida para una caminata al castillo de Hohenstein. 4G a través de Vodafone. Acceso estrecho sobre un pequeño puente de 7,5 t máximo.

Parking cost
Number of places
Open all year
  • 51.5697, 10.8288 (lat, lng)
    N 51°34’10.9308” E 10°49’43.5324”

  • 99762 Neustadt/Harz,
    flag-de Germany

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