Parking lot day/night

(TS9 6QT) Newton under Roseberry - 2 A173

Created on 23.07.2020 by dipsydotti
#191208 - Parking lot day/night
2 services
  • Waste container
  • 3G/4G internet
2 activities
  • Departure of hikes
  • Point of view

Stationnement Payez et affichez pour marcher Rosebury Topping. Juste à l'extérieur du village. Les espaces sont juste assez longs pour une fourgonnette à empattement long.

Pay & Display parking for walking Rosebury Topping. Just outside the village. Spaces are just long enough for a long wheel base van.

Pay & Display-Parkplatz zum Wandern in Rosebury Topping. Etwas außerhalb des Dorfes. Die Abstände sind gerade lang genug für einen Van mit langem Radstand.

Estacionamiento Pay & Display para caminar Rosebury Topping. A las afueras del pueblo. Los espacios son lo suficientemente largos para una camioneta con distancia entre ejes larga.

Price of services
Parking cost
£1/hr up to 3 hours, £4 all day between 8am & 6pm
Number of places
Open all year
  • 54.5116, -1.1183 (lat, lng)
    N 54°30’41.58” W 1°7’6.0348”

  • 2 A173
    TS9 6QT Newton under Roseberry,
    flag-gb United Kingdom

Average (4 Feedback) : 3.5/5
  • 3/5

    busy road but there are great walks around the area

  • 3/5

    No longer free parking between 8am & 6pm, description updated to reflect current charges.

  • 3/5

    Good spot, but the road is rather loud.

  • 5/5

    Nice little spot. plenty of space, picnic table and lovely view.