Parking lot day/night

(10300) - 25 3012. Sokak

Created on 18.12.2019 by yahotr
#166435 - Parking lot day/night
3 services
  • Pets allowed
  • Bakery
  • 3G/4G internet
2 activities
  • Fishing spots
  • Swimming possible

Parking gratuit proche mer.

Free parking near the sea.

Kostenlose Parkplätze am Meer.

Price of services
Parking cost
Number of places
Open all year
  • 39.5618, 26.9497 (lat, lng)
    N 39°33’42.4908” E 26°56’58.8696”

  • 25 3012. Sokak
    10300 ,
    flag-tr Türkiye

Average (7 Feedback) : 2.86/5
  • 1/5

    Etrafı iş makinesi ile kazılmış kullanımda değil yan tarafta araç parkında içiçe yer bulabildik. Beğenemedim.

  • 1/5

    Sehr großer, ebener Platz. Wir haben nur kurze Pause gemacht. Sicherlich kann man auch übernachten. Da sind auch viele Dauerkämper. Je nach Windrichtung Gestank!

  • 4/5

    platz ist eben und richtig man kann sich erholen ,war ein tag .

  • 2/5

    große Parkplatzfläche direkt am Strand, Stranddusche vorhanden, Sandstrand, je nach Windrichtung Geruch nach stinkendem Abwasser; in die Bucht gehen mehrere Flüsse mit stinkenden, braunen Abwässern, für einen Zwischenstop OK

  • 3/5

    wide area to park, quite flat, clean. Good access to the water. - very bad smell depending on the wind direction. Water was not so clear. After our visit in Assos it's harder to find equally cool spot by the sea.

  • 5/5

    There is a fountain. but no drink.

  • 4/5

    The local council has cleaned the beach up and it’s now a huge flat sandy area with in most places hard packed sand so great for a park up. Loads of stray dogs but at least two people feeding them so they generally don’t pester you. Beware if you have your own dog tho the people feeding them will call them away and they will leave you.