park4night +

How can I unsubscribe?

Here is how to unsubscribe depending on how you subscribed to park4night+.

* AppStore (iOS):

If you purchased your subscription on the AppStore, it will end at the end of the subscription (you will be able to renew it manually before it expires or at any moment afterwards).

* Google Play Store (Android):

If you purchased your subscription on Google Play, it will automatically be renewed.
If you want to stop the automatic renewal, please click on the link Google Play

Or please go on the Google Play Store and search for “park4night” and you will find a button to stop its automatic renewal.

* Website :

To find out if your subscription via the website will be automatically renewed or not, log in to your account with your login details at

- The button "Renew my park4night+ subscription" is displayed if your subscription will not be automatically renewed (you will be able to subscribe manually before it expires or at any moment afterwards).
- The button "Manage my park4night+ subscription" is displayed if your subscription will be automatically renewed, you can also stop the automatic renewal.

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