Parcheggio giorno e notte

(6223) Komen - 96a Komen

Creato il 20.06.2017 da roVAN
#52373 - Parcheggio giorno e notte
2 servizi
  • Animali ammessi
  • Cestini dei rifiuti
4 attività
  • Monumenti da visitare
  • Percorsi MTB
  • Partenza escursioni
  • Bel giro in moto

Parking public de Komen

Public parking Komen

Öffentlicher Parkplatz Komen

Prezzo di parcheggio
1.1. - 31.12.
  • 45.8173, 13.7443 (lat, lng)
    N 45°49’2.2764” E 13°44’39.48”

  • 96a Komen
    6223 Komen,
    flag-si Slovenia

Media (1 Recensioni) : 3/5
  • 3/5

    Ok place to spend the night. The church bells are quite loud and very often. The tourist buses start their route before 6 am so with these two issues is a bit hard to sleep. But for the rest no problem. The village is very small but there is a supermarket, a bakery / kebap and a pizza place within walking distance.