Lieu en pleine nature

(NG12) - Kinoulton Lane

Créé le 24.04.2022 par benjieng
#322274 - Lieu en pleine nature
3 activités
  • Pistes/balades de VTT
  • Départ de randonnées
  • Coins de pêche

Stationnement en gravier de chaque côté du canal. Un parking un peu cahoteux mais de niveau peut être trouvé avec un peu de déplacement. Assez calme et belles vues tout autour. 15 minutes à pied du pub.

Gravel parking area either side of the canal. Bit bumpy but level parking can be found with a bit of moving around. Pretty quiet and nice views all around. 15min walk to the pub.

Schotterparkplatz auf beiden Seiten des Kanals. Etwas holprig, aber ebene Parkplätze können mit ein wenig Bewegung gefunden werden. Ziemlich ruhig und schöne Aussicht rundherum. 15 Minuten zu Fuß zur Kneipe.

Estacionamiento de grava a ambos lados del canal. Se puede encontrar un estacionamiento un poco accidentado pero nivelado con un poco de viaje. Vistas bastante tranquilas y hermosas a su alrededor. 15 minutos a pie del pub.

Prix du stationnement
Nombre de places
Ouvert toute l'année
  • 52.8819, -0.9996 (lat, lng)
    N 52°52’54.8868” W 0°59’58.6788”

  • Kinoulton Lane
    NG12 ,
    flag-gb United Kingdom

Moyenne (7 Avis) : 3.86/5
  • 5/5

    Very quiet night. Hardly any cars came by. None after 8.30pm. Tractor at 6am and bin men (yes there’s a bin too!). Lovely spot.

  • 4/5

    Very quiet with just a few morning dog walkers around. Good canal side walks. A little uneven but fine and level.

  • 4/5

    real middl of nowhere spot, 3-4 camper spots and it's really quiet. lots of nature sounds and maybe saw 4 cars untill the early morning, where it was maybe 2 an hour. only negative is the lack of any real signal but, for just bedding down for a night it's perfect

  • 2/5

    Very quiet single track road lay-by. Space for 1 camper I’d say. 2 bars of 4G on 3. Pretty much in the middle of nowhere but the sort of place I like to spend the night. Walks along the old canel and waterway could imagine it being nicer in the summer. Didn’t like how close it was to the road with the dogs but would be fine at a push or for a late night stop. Only seen 3 cars in a few hours.

  • 4/5

    Stopped here early hours of the morning to break up my drive. So peaceful, I parked in the lay-by a few metres further as I didn't have the patients at 1am to wiggle myself around to be flat. No traffic really, is a bit in the middle of nowhere but myself and my dog slept like a couple of logs!

  • 4/5

    Nice spot at the side of a very quiet country road. There's a lay-by suitable for a couple of small to medium MH plus areas of rougher ground over the canal. No fishing as the canal is completely dry and overgrown with rushes. Nice walks along the canal in both directions - good for cycling too. 4G (3) is reasonable, and am able to stream movies.

  • 4/5

    Recommend driving down from the village side as the access road is wider. nice spot by the canal