Great stop for lunch, few boats passing and some swans. Also popped into the Suffolk food hall 100m back. Dogs like the walk better there. 2bars signal with 3network. Slept 2 stops along
Layby à côté du pont orwell, assez grand pour quelques campeurs. indifférent toute la nuit à part quelques voitures qui passent. bonnes vues, pas de signalisation de restrictions.
Layby next to the orwell bridge, big enough for a few campers. unbothered all night other than few cars going past. good views, no signage of restrictions. note: Road floods on high spring tides
Layby neben der Orwell Bridge, groß genug für ein paar Camper. die ganze Nacht ungestört, außer ein paar vorbeifahrenden Autos. gute Aussicht, keine Beschilderung von Einschränkungen.
Great stop for lunch, few boats passing and some swans. Also popped into the Suffolk food hall 100m back. Dogs like the walk better there. 2bars signal with 3network. Slept 2 stops along
Big lay-by. Nice views. Full phone signal. Very easy to get to. Less than 10 mins drive to supermarkets and takeaways. The ROAD NOISE however spoiled it massively for us. I recommend to come here for the views but when you’re planning to sleep just nip up the road a few mins to find somewhere quiet away from the main road! We’re not normally bothered by road noise but this place is loud!