Aire CC stat. payant

(33460) Tarsus/Mersin - 1 2502. Sokak

Créé le 01.10.2021 par ilario.giraudo
#294631 - Aire CC stat. payant
10 services
  • Caravaneige
  • Eau potable
  • Eaux noires
  • Eaux usées
  • Poubelle
  • Toilettes publiques
  • Douches (accès possible)
  • Électricité (accès possible)
  • Laverie
  • Internet 3G/4G
4 activités
  • Monuments à visiter
  • Coins de pêche
  • Point de vue
  • Aire de jeux

Camping municipal dans la commune de Tarse. Ouvert toute l'année. Protection de 6h à 23h. Les portes ferment à 23h et 1 chien et 1 veilleur de nuit sont de service. les douches et les toilettes sont extrêmement propres et pratiques

Municipal campsite in Tarsus municipality. Open all year round. The fee for 1 night is 300 TL. You can stay for a maximum of 5 days within 15 days.

Städtischer Campingplatz in der Gemeinde Tarsus. Ganzjährig geöffnet. Schutz von 6 bis 23 Uhr. Die Türen schließen um 23 Uhr und 1 Hund und 1 Nachtwächter sind im Dienst. Duschen und Toiletten sind sehr sauber und bequem

Area camper comunale nel comune di Tarso. Aperto tutto l'anno. Guardiano dalle 6:00 alle 23:00. Alle 23 le porte si chiudono e 2 cani fanno da guardiani notturni. docce e servizi igienici in costruzione da ottobre 2021 a maggio 2022 non finiti.

Prix des services
300 tl /day
Prix du stationnement
Nombre de places
Ouvert toute l'année
  • 36.9333, 34.8965 (lat, lng)
    N 36°55’59.826” E 34°53’47.526”

  • 1 2502. Sokak
    33460 Tarsus/Mersin,
    flag-tr Türkiye

Vous êtes propriétaire de ce lieu ?
Moyenne (122 Avis) : 4.62/5
  • 3/5

    Piazzole piccole, area sicura, molta umidità per il fiume a lato. (sembra uno stagno). Abbiamo chiesto se avessero la lavatrice, hanno detto si, ma dopo aver pagato hanno detto che si poteva usare solo fino alle 16:00 ed erano già le 18:00. Eravamo andati solo per quello. Docce non molto pulite. Molti pappataci.

  • 5/5

    a safe place. accepts pets. There is electricity, water, toilet, bathroom, waste water disposal area and dishwashing area. The fee is 300₺ per day. A nice place to rest on the route. close to city center.

  • 4/5

    der Stellplatz ist in Ordnung, die (öffentliche?) Grünanlage könnte besser gepflegt sein. der Platz kostet 400 TL, soweit ok, aber das Geld soll überwiesen werden. da kostet die Überweisung wahrscheinlich mehr als der Stellplatz und man soll in Stadt laufen und das Geld an einem Geldautomaten überweisen. warum so kompliziert?

  • 4/5

    Herşey çok iyi. Bir karavan kampında olması gereken herşey ve her güzellik var. Benim için önemli bir detayı ilgililere düzeltilmesi için yazıyorum. Duş yapan kişi işi bittikten sonra giyinecektir. Peki nerede? suyun içinde ıslak ayakla ne don ne pantolon giyilebilir. Çözüm: duş yeri biraz büyük tutulup, ayrı bir giyinme alanı yapılabilir veya duş alanı içine ızgaralı yüksek bir yer yapılabilir.

  • 5/5

    Area camper consigliatissima. Personale gentile e disponibile ad aiutare. tutto ok . 300 lt compresa la lavatrice. Cosa vuoi di più! i

  • 5/5

    300 Lira is still one of the cheapest campgrounds you can find in Turkey and the laundry alone makes it worthwhile. what's not to love?

  • 5/5

    Ein kleiner, aber super schön gestalteter Stellplatz. Viel grün, da ein Park gegenüber. Saubere WC und Duschanlage mit Warmwasser. Auch eine Waschmaschine ist vorhanden und kann kostenlos nach Freigabe durch den Betreiber genutzt werden. Wir zahlen gerne die 300,- TL, wenn die Leistung stimmt!

  • 2/5

    Not free anymore! As at today, 13th of May 2024 the campground cost 300TL/day !

  • 5/5

    Herkese selam.Tarsus Belediyesi Meclisinin almış olduğu karara göre,Tarsus Karavan kapm ücreti günlük 300 Tl olmuştur.Bilgilerinize. Hello to everyone.According to the decision taken by the Tarsus Municipality Council, the Tarsus Caravan capm fee has been 300 TL per day.To your information.

  • 4/5

    Dobré místo zdarma, bohužel občas je výrazně cítit zápach že septiků.

  • 5/5

    Der Campingplatz bietet alles das man benötigt. Ein wirklich wunderschöner Ort direkt am Fluss und Wasserfall. Schöne Restaurants, gut zum Essen. Dankeschön

  • 1/5

    Приехали уставшие и измотанные длительной дорогой в Таурус, нашли Единственный кемпинг для остановки и нас не пустили, время было 23:00, сказали приезжайте в 8:30 утра. При этом ресторан был открыт, сотрудник кемпинга не спал. Это не гостеприимно и не вежливо. Поехали до Мерсина на побережье, где-то же надо ночевать… не рекомендуем это место при позднем заезде, Вас может ждать неприятный сюрприз.

  • 5/5

    Polecam. Wszystko za darmo. Mozna przebywać max 3 dni. Pranie można zrobić tylko 1x dziennie (jeden wklad 10kg). Prysznic Ciepła woda, toaleta, bardzo zadbany teren

  • 2/5

    smell of public toilet everywhere. fireworks and explosions the whole day and the whole night.

  • 5/5

    The washing machine wasn’t working while we were there but still don’t understand how this place can be anything other than 5 stars. If you can, please spend some money in the area at the restaurants & shops & tell them where you are staying & hopefully it stays open for many years to come!

  • 4/5

    petit camping au top, sanitaires propres et eau chaude. Hélas machine à laver le linge en panne lorsque nous sommes passés. Merci pour la gentillesse et la disponibilité du jeune gardien qui nous a aidé lorsque notre amie a eu besoin de soins médicaux. Nous devions rester 2 jours et il nous a autorisé à rester 1 jour de plus pour qu'elle se remette !! tout ça gratuitement !

  • 5/5

    Super campeggio cosa chiedere di più essendo tutto gratis!? L'Europa dovrebbe prendere esempio! Piazzole grandi, docce calde, acqua ed elettricità disponibili e vicino alla città e a spazi verdi per bambini e cagnoni

  • 5/5

    For a free aire with free electricity this is a real find. Especially compared to other Turkish sites to date. We arrived February 22nd and no- one else here. Perfectly located for the waterfalls. The guy isn't the friendliest but I'm pretty sure it's a language barrier thing. Great stop off at the birthplace of St Paul on the way to Cappadocia.

  • 3/5

    It’s a free place to stay. That’s the highest praise I can offer. The hot water in the men’s shower was a sad dribble of scalding water. The women’s was good for one shower and didn’t reset for some time. I’m still not sure where the black water dump was (the sign wasn’t helpful). The staff was distant and unengaged. Somewhat unhelpful and not incredibly friendly. We will skip it next time.

  • 5/5

    Je confirme tout ce ce qui a été écrit auparavant. Très bel emplacement pour passer 2 nuits maximum. Tous les services sont nickel. La possibilité de faire une lessive par jour gratuitement , l’accessibilité du personnel , l’espace pour les enfants et le jeux d’échec géant mériteraient qu’on puisse ajouter une étoile. Merci à la commune pour ce super spot détente à côté d’une jolie petite cascade et bon restaurants.

  • 5/5

    Thank you to the municipality for providing this area free of charge. Safe and easy to walk to see the sights.

  • 5/5

    Belediyenin karavan park alanı. Su , elektrik, wc, duş ve çamaşır makinesi var. Ortak alanlar temiz ve bakımlı. Çalışanlar ilgili ve nazik. 3 gün ücretsiz kalabilirsiniz. Municipality's caravan parking area. There is water, electricity, toilet, shower and washing machine. Common areas are clean and well-maintained. The employees are caring and kind. You can stay for 3 days free of charge.

  • 5/5

    In 27.12.2023 everything was as in the description. Congratulations!

  • 5/5

    Emeği geçen herkese teşekkürler. Tüm Türkiye’ye örnek olacak bir yer. Şelalenin bitişiğinde elektrik,su,çamaşır makinesi, duş,wc her şey düşünülmüş. Çekme karavanla konakladık ayda 3 gün kalma sınırı var. O da kimse yerleşip kalmasın diye. Kar amacı gütmeyen ücretsiz harika bir yer.

  • 5/5

    Der Platz ist wunderbar wie bereits beschrieben. Noch ein kleiner Tipp. Am Sonntag (eventuell auch Samstag) findet in der Stadt ein besonderer lokaler Markt statt. Hier gibt es Bio Produkte, veganes und vegetarisches Streetfood, Sauerteigbrot und Handwerkskunst. Unter dem Name Tarsus Yeryüzü Pazarı kann man den Ort über Maps finden.

  • 5/5

    We highly recommend this place. The staff is kind and helpful, the waterfall is beautiful (in the neighbourhood), and you can use the local minibus for 15 TL/person to reach the centre. Thank you for the government to allow us to be here for free. :))

  • 5/5

    ein schöner Platz. Alles vorhanden was ein Camper braucht. Dabei ist der Platz sogar kostenfrei. Herzlichen Dank an die Stadt. wir wären gerne länger geblieben.

  • 5/5

    Все супер. Можно находится 3 дня. Все отслеживают. Есть стиралка и струны для белья. Стиралка работает с 8:30 до 16:00 по записи у охранника.

  • 5/5

    Настоящий кемпинг, ещё и бесплатный. Есть души, вода, электричество, стиральная машинка и вкусные мандарины и апельсины.

  • 5/5

    Wspaniale miejsce. Owoce: mandarynki i pomarańcze można zrywać z drzew. Dostępny prysznic i toaleta. 1 auto dziennie pralka za free. Manager pilnuje czasu i temperatury 30C

  • 5/5

    Gracias al ayuntamiento de Tarsos por este lugar. Un sitio muy bueno para descansar, ducharse y lavar ropa además de visitar la preciosa ciudad de Tarsos. Se puede quedar 3 dias máximo y es gratis. El museo de la ciudad también es gratis.

  • 5/5

    Merci à la municipalité d'offrir gratuitement tous ces services : emplacements privatifs avec électricité et eau douches chaudes 1 machine à laver par jour. Il est possible d'y rester 3 nuits maximum. Il est possible qu'en pleine saison le camping soit complet !

  • 5/5

    Endroit merveilleux pour séjourner gratuitement (max 3j)! Parc avec jeux pour enfants, jeu d'échecs géant, orangeraies, toilettes et douches chaudes, eau pour faire la vaisselle ou se remplir, vidanges toilettes et eau grise séparés électricité. Une machine à laver par jour par véhicule est possible sur demande. Encore merci pour le bel accueil et le lieu !

  • 5/5

    Gerai praleistas laikas,paslaugus ir malonus personalas. Yra puiki galimybė susitvarkyti išsiskalpti nemokoma skalbimo mašina. Kitas dienas tyrinejome Tarus

  • 5/5

    Шикарное место. Вокруг растут мандариновые, апельсиновые и лимонные деревья, можно полакомиться, все коммуникации присутствуют, но мы были 21 октября и не было электричества, поэтому не было горячей воды

  • 5/5

    Türkiye'de ki en iyi ücretsiz karavan parklarından biri. Her şeyiyle 10 numara 5 yıldız. Çalışanlarından imkanlara hiç bir eksik ve yanlış yok. Tabiki Belediye en büyük alkışı hak ediyor. Darısı diğer Belediyelerin başına. Örnek alınacak bir motokaravan parkı.

  • 5/5

    Gelmeden önce instagram üzerinden iletişime geçin . Yer olmaması kamp için bir kusur değildir. Çok tercih edildiğini gösterir. Biz herkese yardımcı olmaya çalışıyoruz

  • 1/5

    Attention, même hors saison aucune place disponible.

  • 5/5

    Schöner Platz am Wasserfall. Sehr saubere Sanitäranlagen und relativ große Stellplätze. Strom, Wasser, Sanitäranlagen - alles gratis. Das Restaurant vor dem Platz sehr gut und günstig. Klare Empfehlung!

  • 5/5

    güzel yer elektrik şu ücretsiz şelale yanı

  • 5/5

    Todos os serviços funcionam, os banheiros são limpos, tem chuveiro com água quente, energia elétrica e até máquina para lavar roupa. Obrigada a Prefeitura de Tarsus por este espaço tão aconchegante. A área verde é bem cuidada, ideal para fazer yoga pela manhã.

  • 5/5

    Very good place for a stopover. Well done to the municipality of Tarsus, very good MH stop, washing machine, showers, toilet, waste disposal, fresh water, electricity beautiful grounds and great staff, all for free! Only downside is the freight trains and train crossings at night, it’s quiet loud but once you are used to it it’s not a problem. They also come around and spray to kill mosquitoes.

  • 5/5

    Bei Stellplatz, Dusche, 1xWaschmaschine pro Tag, Strom, Entsorgung,...alles inklusive...da kann man einfach nur 5 Sterne geben! Sehr gepflegt. In direkter Nähe zu Einkaufsläden für den täglichen Bedarf. Aus unserer Sicht als Durchreise-Stopp absolut empfehlenswert.

  • 5/5

    Her belediyenin yapması gereken hizmet teşekkür ediyoruz

  • 5/5

    karavan dışında araç alınmayan, mangal yasağı olan bir alan. Su, elektrik, mutfak, çamaşır makinesi, duş ve tuvalet mevcut. her karavan için yeniliklerle çevrili bölümler yapmışlar.

  • 5/5

    Kemping na 5, obsługa pomocna zwłaszcza manager. Max czas pobytu 3 doby. Nie ma możliwości przedłużenia zadeklarowanej długości pobytu. Na terenie restauracja. Obok wodospady. Gorąco polecamy.

  • 5/5

    Polecam!! Kamper plac darmowy w sam raz na postój i odświeżenie. Sanitariaty jak na standardy Tureckie naprawdę czyste i sprawne. Jedyny minus to pralka dostępna tylko w wybrane godziny. Na szczęście mamy turystyczną, więc pranie zrobione.

  • 5/5

    100*** não se pode pedir mais. atenciosos, bem situado ao lado de umas quedas de água. tem todos os serviços e máquina de lavar roupa sem se pagar nada. obrigada ao município

  • 5/5

    We stayed for 1 night and it was perfect. Crazy that this is all free including electricity. The facilities were really clean too. This place is nicer than some campsites that we've paid for along the way.

  • 5/5

    brilliant park up everything you could possibly need very pretty site can't believe it is free!!!!

  • 5/5

    A wonderful place with electricity, water and a washing machine and everything free. Thanks to the Municipality of Tarsus

  • 5/5

    top danke der Stadt denn alles gratis, warme Dusche, 1 waschmaschone pro Tag, Wächter, Rezeption, Gärtner....und ein schöner Garten mit grossen Schachspiel, Die Stadt ist auch angenehm, 20 Minuten ins Zentrum, wenig Touristen.

  • 5/5

    Free campsite with all facilities. My son loves to with the big chess play on the campsite. Friendly people. 3 washes a day maximum... but there is a laundry service close by.

  • 4/5

    Tous les services gratuits. Une étape pour se retaper ! Le cadre du camping est agréable, propre et bien organisé, trois nuits possibles. Le Management est courtois et efficace. Le stationnement est plat, en ligne, une partie sur cailloux espacé. Le restaurant n'est pas incontournable mais pratique et bon marché. Les haut parleurs du muezzin sont très puissants, et on entend la route et le train.

  • 5/5

    We loved it here. A free super nice campground! Mid April the air smelled sweet from all the orange blossoms. So many friendly people in town and we had the warm hummus 3 times we loved it so much.

  • 5/5

    Super accueil du responsable, les emplacements comme le parc sont super propre. douche WC machine à laver disponible, sur les emplacements eau propre et électricité le tout est gratuit. Le seul bémol est le nombres de jours autorisés à passer sur place, malheureusement ont a le droit qu'à 3 nuits c'est trop court.

  • 5/5

    Excellent free local authority campsite with all facilities plus washing machine. Very quiet at night. Stayed two nights on the 29/12/22.

  • 5/5

    We spent three nights here, a very good place to stop and explore the city and its surroundings. All the advantages have been described in earlier comments, so I won't repeat myself. I recommend 100 per cent.

  • 5/5

    ein sehr netter Platz. Jetzt während der Erdbeben ist der Platz voll. er wird für einheimische aus dem Erdbebengebiet genutzt. bitte Rücksicht nehmen und nur in dringenden Fällen anfahren.

  • 5/5

    Tip for the showers here: check the red lights on the water heater are on, if they are, you should be able to enjoy a HOT shower, just don't turn the water on too much, otherwise it won't heat up. The water heaters seem to be on a timer, maybe 10 mins of use and it will turn off for a while. enjoy!

  • 4/5

    Pratique et gratuit. Espace avec un jeu d’échec comme dans Harry potter pour les enfants, machine à laver disponible. Nous avons pu passer une nuit calme. Pour le restaurant on vous conseille d’aller dans le village à quelques centaines de mettre pour manger un bon doner !

  • 3/5

    Good facilities. Free laundry, but just one washing machine that can be used only three times per day (so you need to hurry). However, the air quality in Tarsus is so bad that our fresh laundry smells like an ash tray. Staff doesn’t speak English well. There’s a chained dog just next to the restaurant kept in very poor conditions - he’s very friendly, you can pet him and bring him fresh water.

  • 5/5

    Superbe endroit calme avec tout les services, vous pouvez même apercevoir des apiculteurs juste à côté.

  • 5/5

    Una delle poche aree camper gratuite in Turchia. Elettricità e acqua potabile, bagni e docce. Anche lavatrice. A 30 min a piedi dal centro.

  • 5/5

    Tarsus belediyesi herşeyi düşünmüş 3 gün ücretsiz kalabiliyosun duş su elektirik wc güvenlik var gönül rahatlıkla kalabilrsiniz merkeze 2.5 km yan tarafta şelale var biz çok beyendik Tarsuz belediyesine çok teşekkür ederiz

  • 5/5

    A progressive initiative by the Municipality- well done and merhaba. A super facility for travellers. Helpful staff, clean toilets, showers, washing machine and well kept gardens. There are services - electric and water - at most pitches. There is even recycling bins - yay! If you’re here on Tuesday there is a great local market nearby - fruit and veg. Restaurant is lovely and good hummus.

  • 5/5

    Heel erg bedankt aan de gemeente. Het is er veilig en rustig, je kan zelfs gratis je was doen. De boeiende stad Tarsus met veel oudheid ligt op wandelafstand, 1,5 km Thank You Very Much

  • 5/5

    A great free park up. Clean toilet, hot(ish) showers and free laundry. Nice town with a big shopping centre. The restaurant next to the campsite is really nice and well priced.

  • 5/5

    Warning: the ladies shower lock sticks. take a phone and be prepared to yell and scream for the workers to come and rescue you. the security guard bashed it open. excellent parkup. nice setting. walkable to Tarsus. highly recommended. Hot water working men's and ladies. TIP to municipality: cut out the vertical metal where the lock latch goes - PLEASE.

  • 5/5

    A great little free park up. We had EHU and water on our pitch. The washing machine can only be used 3 times a day in total. So you need to be quick. Easy walk into town which is well worth doing. We had a meal at the restaurant next door which was good value for money.

  • 5/5

    We stayed here for two nights with 6-8 other vans. Great, free facilities near the Tarsus waterfall. The people who work there are friendly and let us take some oranges from the trees on the site for free. Can also vouch for the hummus at the restaurant next to the site being very good!

  • 5/5

    Flat, quiet, free with access to water, toilets and showers.

  • 3/5

    we stayed 1 night and ate in the restaurant that was good not much else around

  • 4/5

    We may have had a fluke night. A chained up dog barked all through the night. Construction on the road outside started bright and early. Some of the worst sleep we’ve had. Pitches with electric hook up were full except one, we left it open for someone else. Cold showers. The weather wasn’t great so can’t speak for the other services. Want to be honest, but do appreciate these aires.

  • 5/5

    Great place! Clean, and very organized with all services. Hot water in the shower. It was raining the days we were there so we didn't do laundry, can't comment on it.

  • 4/5

    hot water in shower works, good pressure. lots of flat spaces. he asks for passport upon arrival. 4g signal. noisy as you are in middle of town. restaurant next door food was good. a great idea from the council, thank you. felt safe.

  • 5/5

    The Aire is next to a waterfall with a restaurant and the hummus is BEYOND AMAZING. We would drive the entire distance from Scotland to Tarsus for this hummus again. It’s that good. Aire is good, flat, 4g, free services, watch out for the First Ladies shower door- broken lock, got locked in for 30 minutes before being helped out. Also hot water doesn’t work but the place is still worth it! Enjoy.

  • 5/5

    Great free place, thank you to the municipality! We stayed one night, as we were in need of a shower and filling up on water. There are 2 showers in each genders toilet block. Only one of the 2 showers had hot water, but otherwise it was all good! Free washing machine but it can only be used 3 times a day, and many people want to use it. Quiet night, very safe with guard dog and gate

  • 4/5

    Prachtige plaats en dit gratis. Bedankt aan de stad om zoiets in te richten. Zelfs de wasmachine is gratis, kan wel druk zijn . Wij zijn op zondag aangekomen en het stond redelijk vol. Sanitair is proper en douches zijn ok.

  • 5/5

    aire extra. accueil agréable par 2 gardiens. eau, électricité, machine à laver, douche et wc gratuits. beaucoup de monde le we mais vide ce lundi matin. on peut y rester 3 nuits max. merci a la ville

  • 4/5

    Nice place, restaurant next door was very good, it got very busy and overly full with vans crammed in everywhere, arrive early as it’s the end of October now

  • 5/5

    gezgin olarak çıktığımız bu yolda, bugüne kadar gördüğümüz en mükemmel hizmeti aldık, bu hizmeti sağlayan tarsus belediye başkanına ve emeği geçen herkese sonsuz teşekkürler. umarım bundan böyle diğer belediyelerde burayı örnek alır. tekrar elinize emeğinize sağlık

  • 5/5

    Aire mise en place par la municipalité (eau, électricité, eau grise et noire, machine à laver, lave-vaisselle). vous pouvez rester 3 jours gratuitement. juste à côté des cascades de Tarsus. Personnel très sympathique !

  • 5/5

    Grazie alla città di Tarsus! Ottimo spot gratuito con guardiano di giorno. Docce e bagni puliti, c’è anche una lavatrice a disposizione. Nelle vicinanze ristoranti. Abbiamo passato una notte tranquilla.

  • 5/5

    Todas las características positivas descritas por los anteriores comentaristas son ciertas. Muy buenos servicios. Gracias a la Autoridad Municipal de Tarsus.

  • 5/5

    çok güzel bir yer tuvaletler çok temiz duşlar temiz sessiz sakin bir yer elektrik su sınırsız sessiz sakin bir yer Tarsus belediye başkanı sayın DR Haluk Bozdoğan,a çok teşekkür ederiz

  • 5/5

    Full service site including outdoor chess and all for free. The adjoining restaurant is worth a visit. The maximum you can stay is three nights

  • 5/5

    Super Platz, 3 Tage kostenlos! Strom, Wasser, Waschmaschine und Dusche inklusive. Einige Restaurants fussläufig erreichbar

  • 5/5

    great motorhome parking. water, power, washing machine & a dushwasher free.. shady area. near waterfall. clean shower & toilets. recycling bins. outdoor chess set. local maps/info given excellent

  • 5/5

    Toilets and showers are active. Washing machine and dishwasher are available for free use. Also, free wifi has been put into service. Tarsus Municipality

  • 5/5

    All services working and no charge. Close to the incredible blue waterfalls and restaurants. what you want more?

  • 5/5

    Nice place to stay and refill the water and drop the dumb.

  • 5/5

    Bardzo dobrze przygotowane miejsca na pobyt sponsorowany przez miasto na 3 dni

  • 5/5

    Parfait, merci à la ville de Tarse. Wc et douches opérationnelles.

  • 5/5

    Tranquilo y con todo lo imprescindible para pasar una o más noches. Totalmente de acuerdo con algunos comentarios, mucho mejor este lugar que muchos otros de toda Europa pagando un dineral por nada.

  • 5/5

    Council operated site which is free for up to 3 nights. the site is safe and secure with electric and water points, a wc and shower block has been constructed but is not operational yet. Plenty of shaded areas and a very good restaurant onsite. Certainly better than many paid for sites. I recommend it.

  • 5/5

    there is everything you need: water, electricity, a good restaurant in the campsite and the weather. and the campsite itself is free for 3 days. Incredible. I recommend it with all my heart

  • 5/5

    Heel mooie camperplaats, aan wc en douches wordt momenteel gewerkt en zullen snel gereed zijn daarom alvast 5 sterren. Als wc en douches gereed zijn dan is dit een top lokatie.

  • 5/5

    free spot lovely helpful man speaks good English. as before you can stay 3 nights free incl electric. nice restaurant and waterfall lovely bakery turn left out of site just before railway lines on right. they are still building toilet block but I would recommend this place quiet overnight no problems felt safe.

  • 3/5

    free spot, next to a park and one of the highlights of Tarsus. the waterfalls are around the corner. large peacefull place. 8 spaces, recommended in the future a shower and toilet will be there. but reading the comments it is in proces since oct 2021.... Italians would say Piano Piano awful smell at night. walk to the city, 30 min. modern town with everything.

  • 5/5

    świetne miejsce, w miarę spokojnie, darmowy prąd, woda, zrzut szarej i toalety choć obecnie w remoncie. można spędzić tutaj 3 dni za darmo.

  • 4/5

    Bijzondere plek. Je kunt hier gratis maximaal 3 dagen parkeren. Je hebt een WC gebouw en ze zijn bezig om douches te bouwen. Het ligt aan een park wat er gezellig uit ziet. Om deze plek zitten allemaal restaurantjes langs een rivier en watervallen.

  • 5/5

    très pratique pour les toilettes , remplir son eau , et le camping est gratuit ! bien sûr ce n'est pas un spot en pleine nature mais c'est rare de pouvoir être en ville et avoir son petit espace tranquille ! des douches étaient en constructions en semblaient quasi opérationnelles.

  • 5/5

    They build new toilet, shower and electrcity panels. Next restorant is not very good 3/5 point for restorant.

  • 4/5

    Voor een gratis plek super! Heerlijk rustig, leuk bij de watervallen. Lekkere zitplekjes in de schaduw. Imker a h werk gezien bij de ingang. Douches en licht zijn in aanbouw. Restaurants gezellig zo bij t water.

  • 4/5

    Great free spot to stop in for Tarsus. Stayed one night. Pleasant surroundings, gardens with orange trees and herbs and river. Small children’s park. Toilets. Lovely waterfall feature next to it but the river and waterfall are not for swimming

  • 5/5

    Parking in the garden on the river bank. Lots of shade under the trees. Clean and calm. The toilet and shower are still under construction, but you can use the toilet in the restaurant's (right at the entranse). It is the property of the municipality, free for 3 days.

  • 5/5

    Super Platz mit eigenem Vorgarten (!), Stellplatzwächter, Wasser und Grauwasserentsorgung. Feuerfässer dürfen verwendet werden und am Wochenende ist es ein Genuss den türkischen Landsleuten beim Zusammensitzen zuzuschauen und mit dabei zu sitzen. Wir standen hier mehrmals ein paar Tage und sagen danke an die Stadt Tarsus! Das Zentrum ist in ca. 25 Minuten zu erreichen! Unbedingt Humus essen!

  • 3/5

    It was very hot & there was nowhere to swim. Be aware that the waterfall is only to look at. Tarsus itself wasn't very interesting but Yeni hamam was well worth a visit. Currently there is a toilet, kitchen area, electricity & water, no shower. The day we left the builders arrived to construct a toilet/shower block which will be great when finished. A relaxing little place to spend a night or two

  • 5/5

    Good spot to stay for some days and relax! Nice waterfall next door!

  • 5/5

    Good relaxed atmosphere! If you like more relaxation go visit Yeni Hamam. Thursday till Sunday woman’s day. Excellent scub treatment (20tl) and wonderful massage (20tl). Entrance hamam 45tl. 30 min walk. You will leave Tarsus reborn:)

  • 5/5

    Excellent spot, everything you possibly need. Nice tables, and little gardens for all cars. 2min walk to an amazing bakery, family business. Cheap and delicious. Thank you for the municipality providing this parking here.

  • 4/5

    Fajne, ciche miejsce :) jest woda, prąd, altanki piknikowe i bardzo blisko do wodospadu. Stąd jest pieszo pół godziny do centrum Tars. Odejmujemy gwiazdkę, bo miejsce jest troszkę zaniedbane.

  • 4/5

    Nice place with electricity, water and toilet. Very close to the waterfalls.

  • 5/5

    Great FREE park up, guarded by day. very nice guard helpful and speaks English, water, toilets, black dump, and electric if needed. quiet, just a little noise from the mosques. thank you to the municipality

  • 5/5

    Free of charge, guarded during the day and closed gate at night, nice restaurant next door, clean toilets, calm, perfect! Showers were not available in January.

  • 5/5

    Ganz netter Stellplatz, ruhig gelegen und kostenlos.

  • 5/5

    Great park up considering the municipality allow you to stay for free!

  • 4/5

    Very nice spot, free of charge and you can stay there for 3 nights. Toilet, as well as kitchen (with water and electricity) are available. Shower didn't work in December. There's a small park and playground over there.

  • 3/5

    Prima plek. Aan de rand van de stad. Redelijk rustig, voor een stad. Het is een gemeentecamping, kost niks en achter een slagboom. De voorzieningen zijn er wel maar die moet je met een korreltje zout nemen.

  • 4/5

    Good and safe stop next to this town. There is a restaurant next to the camp.

  • 4/5

    Tarsus Municipality Caravan Park Caglayan, 25135 street No:11, 33460 Tarsus/Mersin Very close to the centre. Shower, wc, water