Parking jour et nuit

(IV22 2ET) - A896

Créé le 26.08.2015 par meuraie
#27424 - Parking jour et nuit
1 services
  • Internet 3G/4G
4 activités
  • Pistes/balades de VTT
  • Départ de randonnées
  • Escalade (Sites d')
  • Point de vue

Parking de départ de randonnée prisée au coeur des montagnes et le long d'une single track peu passante.
ok pour deux vans, pas davantage, afin de laisser de la place aux nombreux randonneurs.

Popular hiking departure parking in the heart of the mountains and along a low-traffic single track.
Up to three vans, no more, to leave room for the hikers & climbers.

Beliebter Ausgangspunkt für Wanderer im Herzen der Berge und entlang eines verkehrsarmen Singletrails.
Für zwei Transporter ok, nicht mehr, um Platz für die vielen Wanderer zu lassen.

Prix des services
Prix du stationnement
Nombre de places
Ouvert toute l'année
  • 57.5554, -5.4151 (lat, lng)
    N 57°33’19.4436” W 5°24’54.36”

  • A896
    IV22 2ET ,
    flag-gb United Kingdom

Moyenne (29 Avis) : 4.41/5
  • 5/5

    Awesome location. We stayed here in winter so only 1 or 2 other cars during our stay. I can see from lots of other comments that it gets busy in the warmer months, just park considerately and you will be fine!

  • 1/5

    This car park is the starting point for many popular hill walks and was created specifically to alleviate the problems caused by parking on the single track road. If you must overnight here please be courteous and vacate before 07:00 to allow walkers to use it and to let local traffic use the road without hindrance. Severe midges here.

  • 5/5

    Parking le plus vaste depuis Torridon. Tous les autres étaient pleins. Beaucoup de monde sur la route à 13h un jeudi. Magnifique vue et départs de balade.

  • 4/5

    Nice place but full of midges! Midges VS Human war.

  • 3/5

    Not suitable for overnight stays unless there is plenty spare places available, this is a hillwalkers access car park. Staying overnight and preventing others from using the car park for its intended purpose is inconsiderate. If you're not heading into the hills then please use another parking place.

  • 5/5

    Klidné prostorné a v celku rovné místo s asfaltovým povrchem. Výchozí bod turistických cest, parkuje zde pár osobních aut lidí co odešli na horský trek Místo pro 4-5 kamperů.

  • 5/5

    We stayed here the weather was getting bad and we wanted to wait until we could see the views. There are walking paths to explore too. We also met Callum the stag. Quiet road and car park. No amenities. We stayed 11/10/23

  • 5/5

    Excellent spot, quiet night. Lovely views and Callum the deer is a delight to wake up to! Came right up to our window - he is friendly but beware if you have a dog as he’s curious! :)

  • 5/5

    Nuit calme sur ce parking plutôt plat en retrait de la route. Visite du cerf en fin de journée. Nous étions 4 vans à nous installer la.

  • 4/5

    Super pour passer la nuit. Une vue à 360 sur les montagnes. Petite rivière à côté et un cerf toujours là proche du parking. Nous étions 6 gros motorhome, 3 vans. Beaucoup de midges le soir et le matin.

  • 4/5

    Ideaal om te overnachten en je hebt gezelschap van een hert. Door de dag druk bezocht door wandelaars doch na 20:00 heel rustig en je kan prachtige foto’s nemen.

  • 5/5

    We stopped here to say hello to Callum, he had one of his doe with him who had a fawn at foot. Whilst Callum was very friendly she was very protective over her fawn, so anyone with dogs or young children be careful. Pictures taken of Callum and we left him in peace

  • 4/5

    A really beautiful spot, great scenery and an interesting walk towards Lochcarron. Callum was another highlight and we got some fab pictures of him posing!! Only downside was the very poor signal for both Virgin and Vodafone but we managed to cope without for one night!

  • 5/5

    One of my favourite park ups yet, surrounded by mountains, next to a river and a walking path off of the car park which was perfect for our dog - just make sure you keep your dog on a lead as deer hang around the car park. So peaceful at night and good 4G signal on EE (none on o2). No services or bins, so please take your rubbish with you. Car park was mostly level.

  • 4/5

    Callum is amazing attraction but made us nervous. We have a dog, Callum is lovely. Highly recommend a visit just for him..

  • 5/5

    Gorgeous views, quiet night

  • 5/5

    relativement plat, pas mal d'espace, très belle vue et très calme, que demander de plus...

  • 5/5

    Very quiet on a rainy night in March! Callum the stag is a tourist attraction in his own right so expect lots of excited people from early morning till dusk! This is a walkers car park (the walks from here are beautiful) so if you are just looking for an overnight, it's perhaps best to arrive late/leave early. No facilities. Nearest loos are in Torridon. Please leave the car park a donation.

  • 4/5

    A medium sized graveld tarmac site elivated poistion great views and to top it of is a frendley stag called callum and his doe close to rd but Fairly quiet

  • 5/5

    Nice mostly level parking area, stayed for one night with lovely views! Not very sheltered and could be battered around in the wind if bellowing the wrong way! The most exciting thing here was the quite friendly Stag called Callum who is looked after by the locals!

  • 5/5

    Wow we was greeted by a friendly stag that seamed far to tame and almost had his head in the Motorhome. Once he Realized I was not going to feed him he left. Peaceful night considering we are so close to the road. There is a box for donations so be sure to show your gratitude.

  • 4/5

    Encore un endroit impressionnant. Un cerf qui parade. Le bémol beaucoup de monde prévoir de arriver très tôt le matin ou tard le soir. Attention au vent

  • 5/5

    I liked it with the mountains around and the river next to us. We were surprised about the stag next to our caravan!

  • 4/5

    The good, the bad and the ugly. Amazing views. A very friendly stag (who likes carrots and apples), but will probably learn to rut your motorhome to demand food soon. An area which receives 4g signal (unlike Torridon). The ugly: the winds!! Check your weather apps before tucking yourself up for the night. When we parked up at 4pm there was no wind. We had to leave at 11.30pm and drive to safety. I actually thought were goners.....

  • 5/5

    Super spot, excellente nuit

  • 4/5

    Spot sublime mais trop de vent le jour où nous y étions.

  • 5/5

    L'impression d'être seul au monde dans un décor splendide... Effectivement beaucoup de randonneurs le matin, un samedi qui plus est pour nous. En repartant vers Inverness, possibilité de récupérer la NT500 avec des passages magnifiques...

  • 4/5

    Très bel endroit. Beaucoup de véhicules dans la journée, mais plus personne le soir. Très calme la nuit.

  • 4/5

    Parking plat et vaste. Très calme la nuit, Aucun passage. Des cerfs viennent brouter la nuit au ras du van. Beau paysage.