sozan, the owner, is of great help! English spoken, very willing. only a few free spots. most are fixed caravan. easy to get around by train or ferry. there is an issue with hot water and extra payment. 5 people family paid 45 with electricity
Petit camping simple à Colico près des courts de tennis. De nombreux emplacements sont occupés par des campeurs de longue durée, mais quelques-uns sont gratuits Inscription au restaurant "Lido von Comico" Emplacement directement sur la plage avec son propre accès (plage de galets), à vélo à environ 5 minutes du spot de kite (prairie disponible). Commerces facilement accessibles. Les installations sanitaires sont généralement propres.
Small simple campsite in Colico by the tennis courts. Many places are occupied by long-term campers, but a few are free. Registration in the restaurant "Lido von Comico" Location directly on the beach with its own access (pebble beach), by bike about 5 minutes to the kite spot (meadow available). Shops easily accessible. Sanitary facilities mostly clean.
Kleiner einfacher Campingplatz in Colico bei den Tennisplätzen. Viele Plätze sind von Dauercampern belegt, ein paar sind aber frei.Anmeldung in dem Restaurant „Lido von Comico“ Lage direkt am Strand mit eigenem Zugang (Kieselstrand), mit dem Fahrrad ca 5 min zum Kitespot (Wiese vorhanden). Einkaufsmöglichkeiten gut erreichbar. Sanitäranlagen überwiegend sauber.
Camping pequeño y sencillo en Colico cerca de las pistas de tenis. Muchas parcelas están ocupadas por campistas a largo plazo, pero algunas son gratuitas Registro en el restaurante "Lido von Comico" Parcela directamente en la playa con su propio acceso (playa de guijarros), en bicicleta a unos 5 minutos del cometa (prado disponible). Tiendas de fácil acceso. Las instalaciones sanitarias están generalmente limpias.
Piccolo e semplice campeggio a Colico vicino ai campi da tennis. Molte piazzole sono occupate da camper di lunga durata, ma alcune sono gratuite Iscrizione presso il Ristorante "Lido von Comico" Piazzola direttamente sulla spiaggia con accesso proprio (spiaggia di ciottoli), in bici a circa 5 minuti dal aquilone (prato disponibile). Negozi facilmente accessibili. I servizi igienici sono generalmente puliti.
Kleine, eenvoudige camping in Colico vlakbij de tennisbanen. Veel plaatsen zijn bezet door langdurig kampeerders, maar enkele zijn gratis. Inschrijven bij het restaurant "Lido von Comico" Plaats direct aan het strand met eigen toegang (kiezelstrand), met de fiets ongeveer 5 minuten van het vlieger (weide aanwezig). Makkelijk toegankelijke winkels. Het sanitair is over het algemeen schoon.
46.1360, 9.3605 (lat, lng)
N 46°8’9.456” E 9°21’37.6812”
12 Via Lungolario Polti
23823 Colico Piano, Italy
sozan, the owner, is of great help! English spoken, very willing. only a few free spots. most are fixed caravan. easy to get around by train or ferry. there is an issue with hot water and extra payment. 5 people family paid 45 with electricity
Fantastic view of lake Como, we stayed on the left hand side of the restaurant (facing the lake). Price was reasonable for lake Como (40€/night for 4 people) All pitches around us were long stay, mostly static caravans, getting to our pitch was tricky but the owners were very helpful. Toilets have no toilet paper and showers are extra. place is clean. Amazing location for quick access to the lake
Staff were helpful, nice little beach, we stayed here 3 nights in our campervan, we travelled round lake como on the train and there’s a ferry you can get, the local town is nice - on the small side but a lot less touristy than others, the campsite is nothing fancy but does the job, i wouldn’t recommend a bigger van as it’s not that spacious, we booked last minute during peak season.
Direkt am Wasser. Chefin spricht Deutsch. Sehr chaotische Organisation. Minikleine Parzellen. Sanitäre Anlagen sind nicht sauber und es gibt kein Toilettenpapier. Fast nur Dauercamper. Habe für mich und einen kleinen PKW (ohne Zelt) 45€ bezahlt.
Campeggio datato con servizi appena sufficienti; ottimo per vista lago e vicinanza centro! Il lido non offre tantissimo, quindi consiglio al massimo per una sosta di passaggio! Il prezzo pagato per la notte di sosta (35€) lo considero giusto!
Wundervoller Campingplatz, direkt am See, neue saubere Sanitäranlagen, super freundliches Personal und das Restaurant ist auch top
Unser reservierter Platz wurde einfach an Andere die früher angereist sind weiter gegeben. Wurden dann im „Vorgarten“ eines Dauercampers geparkt, dennoch voll abkassiert. Unfreundliches Personal, leider nicht zu empfehlen.