Aparcamiento día y noche

(IV27 4HW) Kylesku - A894

Creado el 24.08.2022 por LukaszZukiewicz
#369884 - Aparcamiento día y noche
5 servicios
  • Camping en invierno
  • Se permiten mascotas
  • Cubo de basura
  • Baños públicos
  • Internet 3G/4G
9 actividades
  • Monumentos para visitar
  • Windsurf/kitesurf (Spot de)
  • Punto de salida de excursiones
  • Canoa/kayak (Base de)
  • Lugares de pesca
  • Pesca de playa
  • Posibilidad de nadar
  • Hermoso paseo en motocicleta
  • Punto de vista

Parking à côté du célèbre pont, plat, asphalté avec poubelles et tables de pique-nique.
Signal 4G assez fort pour le repos, la tranquillité, les mouettes et la détente
commencez à vous promener autour des 2 lacs voisins

absolument recommandé

Parking next to the famous bridge, flat, asphalted with waste bins and picnic tables.
4G signal strong enough for the rest peace, quiet, seagulls and relaxation
start walking around the 2 neighboring lakes

absolutely recommended

Parkplatz neben der berühmten Brücke, flach, asphaltiert mit Mülleimern und Picknicktischen.
4G-Signal stark genug für Ruhe, Frieden, Möwen und Entspannung
Beginnen Sie mit einem Spaziergang um die beiden benachbarten Seen

absolut empfehlenswert

Parcheggio accanto al famoso ponte, in piano, asfaltato con i bidoni dei rifiuti e tavoli per Pic nic.
segnale 4G abbastanza potente per il resto pace, quiete, gabbiani e relax
inizio passeggiate per i 2 laghi limitrofi

assolutamente consigliato

Precio de los servicios
Precio del aparcamiento
Número de aparcamientos
Abierto todo el año
  • 58.2558, -5.0218 (lat, lng)
    N 58°15’20.79” W 5°1’18.5844”

  • A894
    IV27 4HW Kylesku,
    flag-gb United Kingdom

Media (22 Reseñas) : 4.5/5
  • 5/5

    Great place to stop, very quiet. Stayed for 1 night, room for 4 or 5 vans. Nice walk down to the loch. A stag came to visit us and stood the ages watching and letting us take photos. we preferred this south carpark to the North which was much busier. Highly recommend.

  • 5/5

    Great spot for a night. You can walk down to under the bridge by the water. Rubbish bins provided. It was quite windy when we were there so we didn't have the best sleep but still a great freebie parkup. Great views.

  • 5/5

    achtung..bei wind nicht zu empfehlen..sind geflüchtet bei wind von 70 km/h

  • 4/5

    Great place to stay with lovely views. We even saw 2 stags here!! It did fill up quite quickly though so so bear that in mind

  • 5/5

    Nice big carpark beside a road, but that was no issue. t was quiet and there were only a few other vans. Nice walk to the small lovely harbour where a boat takes you to the waterfall. Also, there is a small hut where you can buy handmade souveniers.

  • 4/5

    Super endroit avec belle vue, cerfs à 20m et petit chemin qui descend vers un hôtel pub qui sert de bonnes bières.

  • 5/5

    parking plat, calme, avec des toilettes a 5 min environ (il faut emprunter un sentier forestier pour aller aux toilettes qui sont devant l hôtel) des 19h, 2 cerfs sont sortis des bois brouter et sont restés toute la soirée. la vue est sympathique, les toilettes accessibles a distance raisonnable. très peu de réseau. un peu de vent. totalement gratuit. Un très beau spot cependant.

  • 5/5

    und unfassbar Besonderer Ort... die Straße ist kaum zu hören... Abends haben uns Hirsche besucht... es war absolut gigantisch. und der Ausblick war unfassbar perfekt. im Ort weiter unten, gab es ein Restaurant, bei dem man gut essen kann.

  • 5/5

    parcheggio strategico in un posto bellissimo! ha anche i sacchi di rifiuti, panchine per il Pic nic ed il lago accanto! top top top

  • 3/5

    Closed for filming till 19th May 2024

  • 4/5

    Ruime parking met redelijk vlakke plaatsen. Publieke WC´s op 5min wandelen, over het Kyleku hotel. Weinig lawaai, ondanks dat je dicht bij de weg ligt. Fanastisch waren de herten ´s avonds en ´s morgens.

  • 4/5

    Location was very windy at night, but otherwise good spot. The toilets are not directly at the car park, they are located in front of the hotel down the road (5 to 10 minute walk).

  • 3/5

    The views were amazing and the walk down to the bar was nice. The biggest issue were the bugs from about 5.30pm to the morning. You could not be outside as you were dive bombed constantly as well as spending the next 20minutes fumigating the van. I wouldn’t recommend this spot if you’re visiting in August- other times of the year may be better.

  • 5/5

    Vue superbe, cerfs au rendez-vous !

  • 5/5

    Gratuito, silenzioso, bidoni della spazzatura, panorama bellissimo. No carico/scarico ma figurati. Da 10.

  • 2/5

    We stayed here for a few hours. Saw the red deer just on the hillside, beautiful. We had planned to stay the night, but a group of young lads turned up to camp near the lock and kept running between the campers, so we moved to the other side of the bridge, it was really quiet.

  • 5/5

    We stayed on 11/06 with 5 other assorted vans. It's not the best view but the visiting Stag/Doe more than make up for it! Nice circular walk to Kylesku Hotel, boat trips to the falls at 10.30 and 12.30 daily. Rubbish bins and some picnic tables. Super quiet night and we were blessed with 2 stags at dusk... magic.

  • 5/5

    Loverly stopover. mountain views. Stag and a doe came to visit A lot quieter than over the bridge. picknic table A pub 250 yds away through a footpath next to the loch. very nice

  • 5/5

    Was lovely, flat and quiet - a few other vans, more sheltered that the big car park on the other side of the bridge. Deer were next to the van, 400m to toilets too. Bins in car park.

  • 5/5

    Lovely spot to enjoy the views. Felt safe secure all night. No signal on talk talk or three but didn’t need it with the views to look at!

  • 5/5

    Great park up, a short walk to Kylesku (bar in the hotel) and bins available. Would recommend

  • 5/5

    Brilliant Parking, quite, waste bins, bad internet signal. The Local council Guy came to check us (4 campervans) it was not a problem to stay there at all.

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