Locatie midden in de natuur

(43360) Cornudella de Montsant - T-3225

Gemaakt op 20.03.2017 door animaluminium
#47332 - Locatie midden in de natuur

Le camp de grimpeur aussi "Van City"

Climber's camp. a k a "Van City"

Das Klettercamp auch "Van City"

El campamento de escaladores también "Van City"

Aantal plaatsen
  • 41.2641, 0.9260 (lat, lng)
    N 41°15’50.7564” E 0°55’33.5784”

  • T-3225
    43360 Cornudella de Montsant,
    flag-es Spain

Gemiddeld (34 Beoordeling) : 3.91/5
  • 2/5

    In fact a nice place, but it seems a bit unsecure. In the evening, two young men showed up and asked some strange questions (planning to breake in our van when we were climbing the next days?). We stayed for one night and then moved on to the campsite. In this night, an animal stole two shoes and chewed at the laces from another one.

  • 5/5

    an einer wenig befahrenen straße, campen wird anscheinend geduldet und wir standen mit ca. 5 anderen campern dort :)

  • 5/5

    Still available to park and sleep for free. A new sign has been put up stating that parking is regulated. But It seems It was only for Easter when there was a fee and sleeping was forbiden. As of April's 14, free parking and plenty of vans sleeping without issues.

  • 2/5

    Parking bueno para ir a las vías de escalada, pero ya no dejan pernoctar. Cobran 3 euros por estar todo el día pero a las 20 vinieron 3 agentes rurales a decirnos que habían cambiado la normativa hacía poco y ya no estaba permitida la pernocta ni aquí ni en ningún parking de siurana. Tuvimos que bajar al pueblo de Cornudella donde están los bomberos para pernoctar.

  • 4/5

    perfecto para la pernocta,sin servicios.

  • 4/5

    Great place to spend the night if you’re into making new friends of finding partners to climb with. Close to the climbing crags in the Siurana Valley.

  • 3/5

    Buen sitio, cerca de la carretera. Grava mas o menos nivelada! No sombras no servicios

  • 4/5

    Precioso lugar, éramos pocos porque no es época de escalada. Amplio, nivelado, la noche súper tranquila. Las vistas muy bonitas. Por poner un “pero”, faltan papeleras, aunque quizá mejor que nos llevemos cada uno nuestra basura (y evitemos los jabalís)

  • 3/5

    Fine place. A bit uneven. Walking distance from some climbing crags. Lots of biting sandflies/mosquitos. Beware. The waterfountains in cornudella (I tried three) that I could find were not working. One in Siurana was disconnected and one had so little water it was only good for a small drink and not for filling up bottles.

  • 3/5

    Sitio algo desnivelado, ningún servicio. Furgos de escaladores jóvenes, ruidosos hasta las 22:00, luego silencio y tranquilidad.

  • 1/5

    Terrible. Moltíssimes furgonetes, algunes amb la música a tope fins tard. Sobre les 6 o 7 de la tarda algú ha accedit a la nostra furgoneta i ens ha robat tot el que portàvem. Dues motxilles plenes de coses personals. Ho hem comentat als mossos i ens han dit que passa molt. 0 recomenable !! lloc molt insegur !! someone stolen us our things !! nos han robado las cosas de la furgoneta !!

  • 5/5

    The best place to be! Had great time here.The views, the stillness, the nice people around (climbers)..In the village in the valley you can get some basic food, water and get rid of your garbage. Visiting Siurana village was breathtaking!What a place! Cannot wait to be back!

  • 4/5

    Super schöner Parkplatz nur wurden wir leider um 12 Nachts von der Polizei geweckt und vertrieben. Bußgeld wird wohl noch kommen :/

  • 4/5

    Man ist nicht alleine, aber trotzdem ein sehr guter Platz zum Übernachten. Das Essen im Restaurant Refugio und im Intim in Cornudella ist sehr zu empfehlen!

  • 4/5

    If you have a nice van, a guitar and some good social skills this place is most definitely for you. If you have neither of these, like me, you can still enjoy its proximity to the climbing area and the nice view over Sierra de Montsant. One should note that the parking is just by the road with quite some traffic and the shrubbery around the parking got plenty of freshly dug holes.

  • 5/5

    Great parking with extraordinary atmosphere. Beautiful sunsets. Mostly occupied by climbers some of which live full VanLife so it’s not for those who want to spend a night in solitude.

  • 5/5

    Very good and even Spot right next to the climbing spots no facilities but the village is a 10 min drive away

  • 3/5

    Perfect for climbers! Walking distance from some sectors, other small parking spots closer. Nicely situated between Monsant and Siurana. Very low reception.

  • 5/5

    Beh, se sei un climber è perfetto, niente servizi

  • 3/5

    Gran esplanada al lado de la carretera, muchas ac y camper. Lejos del pueblo.

  • 4/5

    Super site avec clairement une ambiance de grimpeur, vu son emplacement. Dommage, car papier toilette aux abords mais comme partout,.finalement, dans.cette région.

  • 5/5

    Lugar privilegiado y vistas únicas. Mucha tranquilidad.

  • 4/5

    Lloc excel.lent. Natura i vistes precioses. Els camins i racons absolutament plens de paper de wc. No siguis marrà i llença’l a la brossa.

  • 4/5

    Molt bon lloc. tranquil. als corriols del voltant hi ha defecacions humanes. enterra la merda.

  • 5/5

    Lloc agradable i amb moltes possibilitats per fer per la zona.

  • 5/5

    Muy buen sitio, hay muy buen ambiente

  • 5/5

    Quiet parking mostly (but not only) for climbers.

  • 4/5

    Especially climbers camping site. Water point is also at Siurana.

  • 3/5

    No facility's at site but we spend 2 very quiet nights. would recommend.

  • 4/5

    Surprise, un 26 décembre, malgré le vent froid, parking bien rempli par des voitures et fourgons de grimpeurs qui y passent la nuit.

  • 3/5

    40 spaces, if people park properly. Nice views. Not quiet as some have noisy dogs and live in vans full time. Better spots 2km up at road side, with no noise, no vans, no light and no dogs. OK for a brief stay.

  • 4/5

    Effectivement grand parking de fourgons et camions de grimpeurs en tout genre au bord de la route mais calme quand même. Sinon direction terminus Siurana 3 km plus haut avec des parkings encore plus calmes et sympas où on peut dormir sans souci. Point d'eau à Cornudella au pied de l'église sur la route principale et shop escalade au niveau de la station essence.

  • 5/5

    Seul parking toléré sur la route qui monte à Siurana (possibilité de se garer plus haut le long de la route ou au grand parking permettant de visiter le village mais seulement la journée) c'est le point de rendez-vous des grimpeurs du monde entier, bonne ambiance assurée. Il y a également un camping tout en haut de la route, juste avant le village.