Locatie midden in de natuur

(73480) Lanslebourg-Mont-Cenis - Unnamed Road

Gemaakt op 18.08.2020 door nicobru
#204878 - Locatie midden in de natuur

Moment de tranquillité assurée petit spot éloignée du chemin calme assuré réveille avec les marmottes

Moment of tranquility assured small spot away from the path assured calm wakes up with the marmots

Moment der Ruhe versichert kleiner Fleck abseits des Weges Ruhe versichert erwacht mit den Murmeltieren

Road closed from mid-june to mid-september
  • 45.2261, 6.9245 (lat, lng)
    N 45°13’33.9528” E 6°55’28.2216”

  • Unnamed Road
    73480 Lanslebourg-Mont-Cenis,
    flag-fr France

Gemiddeld (3 Beoordeling) : 1/5
  • 1/5

    Strada chiusa da metà giugno a metà settembre, evitate di continuare ad ignorare i divieti, porterà solo problemi a tutta la comunità.

  • 1/5

    Be careful! We noticed from another spot that the police came at around 11:30p.m. We saw the blue lights, because there was someone there. So don't go there because there is a sign, that motorized vehicles are not allowed between June and September.

  • 1/5

    Fermée à la circulation de la mi juin à la mi septembre. Trop de monde et d’abus