Locatie midden in de natuur

(EH41) Haddington - Unnamed Road

Gemaakt op 13.06.2019 door Laikeen
#127322 - Locatie midden in de natuur
1 services
  • Vuilnisbak
1 activiteiten
  • Uitgangspunt voor wandelingen

Arrêt en pleine nature sur un petit stationnement de départ de randonnée au nord du golf. Poubelles à disposition. Entrée et sortie de parking un peu difficile par manque de visibilité

Stop in the heart of nature on a small starting hiking park north of the golf course. Garbage cans available. Parking entrance and exit a little difficult for lack of visibility

Stoppen Sie mitten in der Natur auf einem kleinen Wanderabfahrtsparkplatz nördlich des Golfplatzes. Mülleimer vorhanden. Ein- und Ausfahrt des Parkplatzes wegen mangelnder Sicht etwas schwierig

Aantal plaatsen
  • 55.9623, -2.7500 (lat, lng)
    N 55°57’44.1216” W 2°44’59.8308”

  • Unnamed Road
    EH41 Haddington,
    flag-gb United Kingdom

Gemiddeld (14 Beoordeling) : 3.86/5
  • 4/5

    Tranquille pour une nuit. Quelques voitures de randonneurs qui viennent se garer par moment. Mais relativement calme. On a passé une bonne nuit. Attention par contre en saison il y a un effaroucheur à oiseaux à proximité qui parfois lance des détonations. Ça s’entend mais ce n’est pas tout le temps. Il y a la possibilité de faire une petite balade au bord de la rivière. C’est plutôt jolie à voir.

  • 4/5

    Nice spot with room for 4/5 vans. we were woken by a tractor pulling into the adjoining farm at around 6am. Nice and quiet through the night.

  • 4/5

    Stayed one night (13 July 24), one Motorhome already there when we arrived. Ground quite uneven; probably space for 3 Campers / Motorhomes. Litter bin on site. Next to country road, had 3 or 4 cars pass in night but other than that no issues.

  • 5/5

    Hemos pasado una noche muy tranquila, poco tráfico muy bien para descansar.

  • 4/5

    Schöner Parkplatz für zwei Wohnmobile mit Blick auf die Felder. Etwas unebener Untergrund. Ruhig in der Nacht, obwohl der Platz direkt an der Straße liegt. Mülleimer vorhanden.

  • 5/5

    Free. No toilets. But a bin. Beautiful scenery. Enough for 3 campers

  • 4/5

    stopped one night. extremely peaceful and very few forms of traffic. very close to an A1 junction. can also recommend the national museum of flight which isn't far either. no services except bins, but fine if you're self sufficient.

  • 4/5

    Pas top mais suffisant pour une nuit, assez de place pour 3 à 4 vehicules.

  • 4/5

    We stopped here on 8/7/2023 just for lunch. There is space just for two campers. It is close to road, which had little traffic while we were there. Some local children were playing nearby but nothing disturbing.

  • 3/5

    Looks good

  • 4/5

    Direkt neben einer Straße, aber ein wenig durch eine Mauer geschützt. Hundespaziergänger und Birdwatcher parken hier, aber viel ist nicht los. Mülleimer vorhanden.

  • 3/5

    Not a bad spot, we had one car pull up about 11pm with some youths in it but they only stopped about 10 minutes, after that we had a quiet night and morning

  • 1/5

    Tried this spot but when we pulled up there were a few youths in cars (about 8pm). didn't feel safe so moved on. feel that it's too near Haddington. the fair was in town so maybe this contributed to it being busy.

  • 5/5

    Great little spot.