Pick-nick plaats

(2121) - E77

Gemaakt op 11.06.2019 door Kottick
#127017 - Pick-nick plaats
3 services
  • Vuilnisbak
  • Openbare toiletten
  • 3G/4G-internet
6 activiteiten
  • Monumenten om te bezoeken
  • Kano/kajak (Basis van)
  • Visplekken
  • Zwemmen mogelijk
  • Gezichtspunt
  • Speelplaats

Belle aire de pique-nique sur la rivière Daugava avec des bancs et des cheminées. Avec les informations touristiques, j'ai eu cet endroit où vous pouvez rester libre. Occupé avec des nageurs et des pêcheurs pendant la journée. Plus tard dans la soirée, tout était calme, juste quelques bruits de la route. Calme la nuit, super endroit pour rester.

Nice picnic area on the river Daugava with benches and fire places. With the tourist information I got this place where you can stand free. Busy with swimmers and fishermen during the day. Later in the evening everything was quiet, just some noise from the road. Quiet at night, great place to stay.

Schöner Picknickplatz am Fluss Daugava mit Bänken und Feuerstellen. Bei der Touristeninformation habe ich diesen Platz bekommen, wo man frei stehen kann. Tagsüber mit Schwimmern und Fischern beschäftigt. Später am Abend war alles ruhig, nur etwas Lärm von der Straße. Nachts ruhig, tolle Unterkunft.

Bell'area picnic sul fiume Daugava con panchine e posti per fare il fuoco. Ho avuto indicazioni dall'ufficio turistico su questo posto dove si può stare liberamente. Ci sono nuotatori e pescatori durante il giorno, ma più tardi è tranquillo, solo un po' di rumore dalla strada. Ottimo posto per stare. (NdT si accede dalla tangenziale, nella direzione opposta di Riga, se sbagli l'uscita non puoi fare retromarcia! Ma se vai piano e segui il navigatore non puoi sbagliare! Strada sterrata)

Mooie picknickplaats aan de rivier Daugava met bankjes en vuurplaatsen. Bij de toeristische informatie deze plek opgekregen waar je vrij mag staan. Overdag druk met zwemmers en vissers. Later op de avond alles rustig alleen wat geruis van de weg. 's nachts rustig, prima overnachtings plaats.

Aantal plaatsen
  • 56.8436, 24.3875 (lat, lng)
    N 56°50’36.8376” E 24°23’15.054”

  • E77
    2121 ,
    flag-lv Latvia

Gemiddeld (19 Beoordeling) : 4.11/5
  • 5/5

    Hier von Sonntag auf Montag währen des Sturmwochenendes Ende Juli gestanden und geschlafen. Sozusagen im Auge dieses Wirbelsturms. Eine den Umständen entsprechend ruhige Nacht verbracht. Leichtes Gefälle vorhanden, aber es geht gut ohne Auffahrkeile.

  • 5/5

    Uns hat es hier sehr gut gefallen

  • 5/5

    Quiet, peaceful place with separate fire pits. Near river

  • 5/5

    Отличное место . Тихо и спокойно.

  • 5/5

    Very quite and clean place, but here is windy on autumn.

  • 4/5

    The place was very quiet at night. During the day many fisherman and people for walking but there is more than enough space in the parking lot. Lots of grill places around and good walk by the lake. Just be aware everyone comes with dogs here and let them free, big dogs fighting dogs. We had no problems but better to be alert.

  • 4/5

    Good place, but on a Thursday morning at least theres construction going on nearby (possibly they are building a road for the water reservoir) so there were construction cars going from like 8-9 am, so maybe not the best place if you want to sleep in on weekdays?

  • 4/5

    Beautiful quiet place during the day, lovely small bear. But from 6pm-11pm and 5am-8am there are a lot of fishermen unloading/loading boats from trawlers. I stayed Sat night and could hear a disco from somewhere nearby.

  • 5/5

    Very peaceful night, no complaints. Close to via baltica.

  • 2/5

    The view over the river is really beautiful, but the night is rather short: You hear the highway and the place is busy until 11 pm, at 5:30 you'll have the first fishermen. The highway ist really quiet during night.

  • 4/5

    Parfait pour une nuit. Personne ne nous a rien dit. Nous étions 2 camping-car. Aucun service juste des poubelles.

  • 5/5

    Nice big parking lot, one closer to the water, the other one a bit further back but quieter. Some local fishermen late at night and in the morning. We spent the night here.

  • 4/5

    Wonderful place. On weekends they start with noisy launching boats at 6:am . It is not allowed parking close to the water, you have to stay about 50m away on designated areas.

  • 4/5

    Super endroit, calme, fréquenté par des familles et des pêcheurs. Toilettes sèches propres. et la retenue du barrage offre une vue sympathique

  • 1/5

    Nachts ständig Besucherverkehr, ab 5:00 morgens Betrieb an der Slipstelle. Dazu die ganze Nacht Güterzüge. Um 6:00 sind wir geflüchtet .Zum übernachten nicht geeignet.

  • 5/5

    Hieno paikka! Hyvä nukkua yön yli! Tila on! Rauhallinen, ei melua!

  • 5/5

    We liked this place a lot!! The river and the pic nic area are beautiful here. Swimming is also possible. Quiet night, some noise from the main road but we are close to the capital, no? The access is from the highway in the direction going away from Riga, have a look on the map before and drive slow because if you miss the right dirt road you can't back up.

  • 2/5

    Access from motorway (a dirt road in a curve) is signed with one way. Did not explore further.