Daily parking lot only

(V95 R883) Spanish Point - Unnamed Road

Created on 13.08.2021 by dustythebin
#275296 - Daily parking lot only
1 activities
  • Point of view

Parking en gravier à l'écart des routes principales. Vues côtières incroyables et promenade sur la falaise à proximité.

Gravel parking area away from main roads. Amazing coastal views and nearby cliff walk.

Schotterparkplatz abseits der Hauptstraßen. Erstaunliche Küstenansichten und nahe gelegener Klippenweg.

Estacionamiento de grava alejado de las carreteras principales. Increíbles vistas de la costa y un acantilado cercano.

Parking cost
Number of places
Open all year
Limited height:
  • 52.8477, -9.4461 (lat, lng)
    N 52°50’51.6084” W 9°26’46.05”

  • Unnamed Road
    V95 R883 Spanish Point,
    flag-ie Ireland

Average (1 Feedback) : 1/5
  • 1/5

    Here at the end of August 2021. At the moment there are height barriers ALL along the coast. I did manage to find a spot with other campers (although there were signs saying “NO OVERNIGHT. PARKING”) further south next to a small quay (port).