Parcheggio solo orario diurno

(LE1 7RY) Leicester - 3 Granville Road

Creato il 26.04.2019 da AndyCW
#118854 - Parcheggio solo orario diurno
1 servizi
  • Cestini dei rifiuti
1 attività
  • Monumenti da visitare

Grand parking ouvert 24h / 24, aucune restriction de hauteur. Séjour maximum 24 heures. Calme la nuit. Juste en face du De Montfort Hall.

Large car park open 24 hours, no height restriction. Maximum stay 24 hours. Quiet at night. Right across the street from De Montfort Hall.

Ausreichend Parkplätze rund um die Uhr geöffnet, keine Höhenbeschränkung. Maximaler Aufenthalt 24 Stunden. Nachts ruhig. Direkt gegenüber von De Montfort Hall.

Prezzo di parcheggio
£6/12 hours, £1 sunday
Numero di parcheggi
24 hours 24/7
  • 52.6257, -1.1196 (lat, lng)
    N 52°37’32.4732” W 1°7’10.5024”

  • 3 Granville Road
    LE1 7RY Leicester,
    flag-gb United Kingdom

Media (16 Recensioni) : 3.75/5
  • 5/5

    Perfect day parking for smaller campervans. Cheap, easy to use pay machine, no height restriction, 20 mins walk to city centre.

  • 1/5

    Although overnight parking is allowed, you are specifically not allowed to sleep in vehicle. I emailed Leicester City Council to clarify and they said it’s prohibited. Whether it is enforced us a different matter but don’t say I didn’t warn you.

  • 4/5

    Safe place for the night, busy with people walking and talking until just after midnight. Free for blue badge holders.

  • 4/5

    We parked our mororhome over by the tennis courts alongside the kerb (top right of the car park (as you go in from the entrance) and it was perfect for a gig at the adjacent De Montford hall. Overnight parking possible too as well.

  • 3/5

    Fine for a night, especially since I was working at De Montfort Hall until latish. Quite near a busy road which can be noisy. Toilets available though. Paid £6 but didn’t park up until around 11pm.

  • 1/5

    kleine Plätze. Standen an der Seite mit 8,5m Länge. Viele Sportler...bis spät nachts Lärm. Mussten nachts wegfahren, da Autorennen neben dem Wohnmobil gemacht wurden. Unter der Woche lauter laute Jugendliche. Nicht zu empfehlen!!!

  • 4/5

    This place is relatively safe. But you do get boys racers through the night on a Friday. It's quite noisy at times. Someone played loud music beside us at 4am for 10 minutes, but then left. The toilet block is not open. No one bothered us through the night.

  • 5/5

    Prima plek! Midden in de stad met fitness apparatuur op 200 m ^_^. Volgens de parkeerwacht mag je ‘s nachts blijven. Op zondag slechts £1. Dit loopt door tot 7:30.

  • 4/5

    très bien et pratique avec seulement 2 livres de 17h à 04h .bien de niveau. Relativement calme malgré des gens qui parlent jusqu'à 3h environ ... Très bonne réception 4G

  • 5/5

    excellent place to stay . plenty of spaces . free toilets and bins . 100 yards from London road. shops , bars and interesting things to see all the way down to the town centre and market place .

  • 4/5

    Stayed for one night. Was fairly noisy until about 11pm but then was fine.

  • 4/5

    Good location 15 minute walk into Leicester city bit of noise from road and locals meeting up. Public toilets in the park and plenty of bins. Machine only issues 12 hours at a time (despite max stay 24hrs) so had to get new ticket at 1AM which worked out fine as the local crowd had thinned out by then, after which we managed to sleep fine.

  • 5/5

    Arrived very late 1.30am Group of lads playing football in the car park no noise at all from them. Got set up & before I had finished they had left. Great quite night.

  • 4/5

    Fantastic! Love this place. Be aware, half of the Carpark is used for testing for covid 19. Personally I don’t care. We’re all in this together , one love xxx

  • 3/5

    Large flattish car park with plenty of spaces. We arrived just after 1700 on a Saturday night, put £2 in the meter which covered us until 0400 on the following Monday. No facilities, but lots of restaurants and takeaways a couple of minutes walk away. The Loaded Dog pub has a good selection of beers and an extensive bar menu.

  • 4/5

    I used this location for 1 night.,toilets nearby only downside was only 1 parking metre working and only took coinsLuckily a Sainsbury’s was nearby for change.