
(X35 EA40) Bayview Caravan Park

Creato il 25.09.2018 da CocotteFR
#103791 - Campeggio
8 servizi
  • Animali ammessi
  • Acque nere
  • Cestini dei rifiuti
  • Bagni pubblici
  • Docce (possibile accesso)
  • Elettricità (accesso possibile)
  • Accesso a internet tramite Wi-Fi
  • Servizio di lavanderia

Parking trouvé grâce à un guide ! Franchement pas terrible ... tout y est très cher ! Disons juste que ça dépanne car ils sont ouverts jusqu’en Novembre.

Parking found thanks to a guide! Frankly not so good ... everything is very expensive! Let's just say that it helps as they are open until November.

Parkplatz dank Guide gefunden! Ehrlich gesagt nicht schrecklich ... alles ist sehr teuer! Sagen wir einfach, es hilft, weil sie bis November geöffnet sind.

¡Aparcamiento encontrado gracias a una guía! Sinceramente, no es genial... ¡todo es muy caro! Digamos que ayuda porque están abiertos hasta noviembre.

Prezzo dei servizi
4 € machine à laver. 1,50 € douche
Prezzo di parcheggio
Numero di parcheggi
Jusqu’à mi - novembre
  • 52.0871, -7.5698 (lat, lng)
    N 52°5’13.6068” W 7°34’11.3124”

  • Gold Coast Road
    X35 EA40 Ballynalahessery South,
    flag-ie Ireland

Sei il proprietario di questo luogo?
Media (3 Recensioni) : 3/5
  • 5/5

    Mainly static caravan site with 20 touring spots. We were here in September so out of season a bit but very reasonably priced at E28. Showers E2 but clean and hot. Excellent bar and food and even use of the hotel gym if you’re that way inclined!

  • 3/5

    Pricey 37 euro with electric but it is spotless and is really a large private site for mobile homes so you can see why it's pricey. Decent pub attached with decent grub .Very well maintained .Good for kids with pitches ,tennis playground and swimming pool that I think can be used for a

  • 1/5

    Attualmente chiuso ai visitatori causa Covid