En plena naturaleza

(33397) Rietberg - Am Emssee

Creado el 30.07.2019 por HansCJ
#140974 - En plena naturaleza

Emplacement à côté d'une des trois éoliennes. Au milieu du champ. Les éoliennes font un bruit régulier, mais ce n'est pas vraiment dérangeant. Bon endroit pour une nuit.

Pitch at one of the three windmills. In the middle of the field. The windmills make an even noise, but it's not really disturbing. Good place for one night.

Stellplatz an einem von drei Windrädern. Mitten im Feld. Die Windräder machen ein gleichmäßiges Geräusch, das aber nicht wirklich störend wirkt. Guter Platz für eine Nacht.

Precio del aparcamiento
Número de aparcamientos
  • 51.8196, 8.3841 (lat, lng)
    N 51°49’10.4448” E 8°23’2.616”

  • Am Emssee
    33397 Rietberg,
    flag-de Germany

Media (2 Reseñas) : 4/5
  • 4/5

    Beautiful quiet spot under the windmill. We could hardly hear the windmill, so noice wasn't an issue. It was a bit dusty. If you continue driving along the grass path you will find another spot under the windmill that is all grass, but it's nearer the main road and you could hear the road traffic. The spot was very quiet, only a few cyclists and a few cars passed. Would definitely recommend.

  • 4/5

    Polecam na spokojny nocleg. Blisko droga i szum wiatraka, ale do zniesienia. Pamiętajmy o zabieraniu swoich śmieci, bo niektórzy zapominają