Parkplatz Tag und Nacht

() Casablanca - Boulevard Moulay Youssef

Erstellt am 14.03.2018 durch briarwoo
#72053 - Parkplatz Tag und Nacht
2 aktivitäten
  • Denkmäler besichtigen
  • Aussichtspunkt

Rue sans nom devant la mosquée Hassan II. Proche du poste de police, 100dh nous sommes restés de 17h à 11h le lendemain, idéal pour la visite de la médina le soir, de la mosquée à l’ouverture à 9h, puis du centre ville avant de repartir tranquille.

Unnamed street in front of Hassan II mosque. Near the police station, After negotiation for 50dh, we stayed from 5 pm to 11 am the next day, ideal for the visit of the medina in the evening, the mosque at the opening at 9 am, then the city center before leave quiet again.

Unbenannte Straße vor der Moschee Hassan II. In der Nähe der Polizeistation, nach Verhandlung für 50dh, blieben wir von 17 Uhr bis 11 Uhr am nächsten Tag, ideal für den Besuch der Medina am Abend, die Moschee bei der Eröffnung um 9 Uhr, dann die Innenstadt vor dem Verlassen wieder ruhig .

Preis der Dienstleistungen
Pas de service
50 dh soit 4€50 pour le temps qu’on veut
01/01 au 31/12
  • 33.6057, -7.6332 (lat, lng)
    N 33°36’20.6964” W 7°37’59.4876”

  • Boulevard Moulay Youssef
    flag-ma Morocco

Durchschnitt (25 Bewertung) : 3.64/5
  • 4/5

    nous avons pu passer la nuit sans souci pour 50 drm Le gardien est accueillant et très gentil

  • 3/5

    Bruyant la nuit course de moto et dérapage de voitures sur rond point près de la mosquée.Attention au gardien qui est près des stationnement pelouse.Pas très honnête veut vous faire payer 100 dh la nuit.Heureusement qu’il y avait des marocains honnêtes qui sont intervenus en disant de respecter les touristes et de ne pas les escroquer.

  • 5/5

    Good place to stay, paid 50dh for 24h, surprisingly quiet for the center of a city. Great location next to the Hassan 2 mosque and walking distance to the Medina.

  • 4/5

    As others we paid 50dh and slept well and felt safe. The guardian visited us 3 times and asked is all is good. The location is great, but as mentioned bigger campers need to use the street, not the parking between them.

  • 5/5

    Très bon emplacement, à côté de la mosquée Hassan II, taxis à côté et à proximité de la vieille médina. Nous avons payé 30 dh pour la journée. Accès facile avec un fourgon de 6,40 et sortie partie basse du parking.

  • 5/5

    Super Platz, wenn man inbetracht zieht, dass er ist, wie ein Platz in der Stadt. Man steht etwas abseits, jedoch kommt man um das Stadtgetummel nicht herum. Ab 01:00 Nachts ist es jedoch sehr ruhig. Zu beachten ist, dass der Parkplatz in der markierten Straße, nicht der gleiche ist wie der Rechts um die Ecke. Der ist etwas belebter weil dort gerne Kinder Fußball spielen. 100DH für 2 Nächte. ;)

  • 4/5

    Parcheggio comodo per visitare la Moschea e la Medina. Un po’ troppo affollato per dormirci quindi siamo stati solo di giorno. Abbiamo speso 50 Dirham

  • 3/5

    50dh for 24h. Closer by city center. Silent after midnight. Next day come other guy to ask money. I did not give him anything. Only one smile.

  • 1/5

    No es un buen sitio para AC , solo coches, es parking de enfrente mucho mejor , aunque no se puede dormir para visitar es suficiente.

  • 3/5

    parcheggio sicuro in un stradina accanto alla moschea. c'è il gabbiotto della polizia ed presidiato giorno e notte. non rumoroso. abbiamo pagato 100 dh per la notte.

  • 4/5

    Parcheggio in una piccola strada davanti alla moschea. Parcheggiatori molto gentili e premurosi. Alla fine della stradina c’è un gabbiotto presidiato da un poliziotto. Un po’ di traffico fotografico per la moschea illuminata ma la notte si spegne presto e non vi sono grandi rumori

  • 4/5

    Pasamos allí la noche, es un poco oscuro pero tranquilo y seguro!

  • 1/5

    Can’t agree with the other comments. Originally parked at the place opposite to the museum entry - great guy who takes his job seriously. Changed places only because we wanted to stay over night to this parking spot. the wards didn’t do their job, place turned into a playground for soccer kids. And it sounded as if someone wanted to break in our Van while we were in it. Left to sleep in Tamaris.

  • 5/5

    Great park for the night, very friendly and helpful parking security who watched over us. We felt very safe, our boys play soccer with some local kids. Easy walk to town and next door to mosque. It gets a tick from us.

  • 4/5

    Very good location if you wanna visit the mosque and medina. Friendly guard, payed 50dirham for a day and night.

  • 4/5

    Guter Parkplatz für eine Nacht. Die Parkplätze sind auch ca. 100 m südlich von den GPS-Daten. Bis Mitternacht ist es durch Verkehr und Personen eher laut. Danach wird es leiser und ab 8.00 Uhr kommt wieder Leben in die Gegend. Wir habe ohne zu handeln 50 dH bezahlt.

  • 2/5

    It is a small parking, and when we came it was full, but the keepers made a place for us to stay. It is in very noisy area, so if you are trying to find a quiet place, this is not it. It is 30 minuter from the city center, and in the front of the mosque. Keepers are friendly but i think they only guarding the parking during the day.

  • 4/5

    Perfecto para pasar la noche y ver la mezquita. Está justo al lado de su comisaria. El guardia del barrio nos pidió 150 dírhams que bajamos a 50 sin dificultad. La única pega que hubo ruido hasta las 02:00, pero no musica, gente hablando.

  • 1/5

    Siamo arrivati alle 21 circa e un ‘parcheggiatore’ con la faccia davvero poco raccomandabile ci ha chiesto 150dh (!!!!!) per la notte. Nessuna possibilità di contrattazione. Ovviamente siamo andati via!!

  • 4/5

    Great place, cosest to the mosque. However, close to main road and noisy till at least 23.00 and from early morning. With ear plugs OK. Guardian present whole day, not sure about the night. Negotiated from 100 to 50dh after one try.

  • 4/5

    Really great spot, perfect views of the awesome mosque. Guardian helpful. We paid 50 Mdm for the night. We could walk from here to the sights. Lovely and quiet at night and we felt very safe. Highly recommended for visit to Casablanca.

  • 3/5

    Super pour visiter la mosquée de jour et de nuit. Attention le gardien demande 100 dh, mais après négociation on lui a donné 50 dh. Nuit super calme à partir de 22h et jusqu’à l’appel à la prière du matin. A 50 m de l’esplanade de la mosquée

  • 4/5

    Situado frente a la mezquita con una vista nocturna increíble de ésta. Para estar en una carretera principal es bastante tranquilo, de noche no hay mucho tráfico. Eso sí, a las cinco de la mañana escucháis la llamada al rezo como si tuvieseis el altavoz dentro de la autocaravana. Por lo demás, muy bien. El gorrilla nos pidiò 50dh por dormir.

  • 5/5

    Local incrível, super seguro, sempre polícia em frente a mesquita. adorei

  • 5/5

    We stayed just around the corner (bit to the right and down on the map) and all was good! The main large parking is for the day only and on the right side of the Mosque there is no guard at night. We arrived and asked if it was ok to sleep and that was fine. It got quiet around midnight. The next morning we gave the night guard 20DH and when we left the day guide another 5. Felt safe all the time