
(SA62) Solva - Prendergast

Erstellt am 19.04.2022 durch BGdu86
#321105 - Picknickplatz
1 aktivitäten
  • Angelplätze

Petite aire de pique-nique au croisement de plusieurs petites routes. Une table à disposition. Bonne connexion 4G. Ça doit être possible d’y passer la nuit

Small picnic area at the crossroads of several small roads. A table available. Good 4G connection. It should be possible to spend the night there

Kleiner Picknickplatz an der Kreuzung mehrerer kleiner Straßen. Ein Tisch vorhanden. Gute 4G-Verbindung. Es sollte möglich sein, dort zu übernachten

Pequeño merendero en el cruce de varios caminos pequeños. Una mesa disponible. Buena conexión 4G. Debería ser posible pasar la noche allí.

Piccola area pic-nic all'incrocio di diverse stradine. Un tavolo a disposizione. Buona connessione 4G. Dovrebbe essere possibile pernottare lì

Kleine picknickplaats op het kruispunt van verschillende kleine wegen. Een tafel beschikbaar. Goede 4G-verbinding. Het moet mogelijk zijn om daar te overnachten

Anzahl der Plätze
Das ganze jahr geöffnet
  • 51.8876, -5.1900 (lat, lng)
    N 51°53’15.216” W 5°11’23.8524”

  • Prendergast
    SA62 Solva,
    flag-gb United Kingdom

Durchschnitt (6 Bewertung) : 3/5
  • 3/5

    Any signs here are unofficial and home made and should be ignored. Just respect the area, use common sense and leave no trace. I'm also local, and we and the local business welcome your trade. It's your money that keeps us going all year round covid hit us hard, we thank you for coming to our area. There are sites locally, but not everyone wants kids, dogs, noisy neighbours and music around them.

  • 1/5

    There is now no parking available at this spot. Temporary signs have been placed on the grass area stopping even cars parking there for a picnic at the bench during the day. Been abused so thanks for that, I’m a local.

  • 1/5

    This is not a suitable and is unlawful for overnight camping. The land is owned by the County Council who do not give permission for overnight camping. Parking here overnight is causing upset to local residents, please do not stay here , there are plenty of local campsites available

  • 4/5

    Quel petit coin charmant ! Merci. Si vous avez des craintes quant à vous stationner sur l’herbe il y a un carré de béton pour y mettre deux roues

  • 4/5

    Lovely quiet spot, on a quiet road. Stream trickling, birds singing. Only gave it four stars because it’s not very secluded, but so quiet and no traffic, so a good find. Most level spot is before the tree near the road. Photo shows edge of picnic table ahead.

  • 5/5

    Une très jolie aire, au bord d'une rivière, dont nous avons profité sous le soleil ! Très calme, seulement quelques voitures et promeneurs ! Belle trouvaille !