the taps that you will see as soon as you arrive don’t really work. if you are facing the water, then go around the fence to the right, there is a new hose with good pressure. see the photo
Bonne eau potable. 2 points d'eau.
Good drinking water. 2 water points.
Gutes Trinkwasser. 2 Wasserstellen.
the taps that you will see as soon as you arrive don’t really work. if you are facing the water, then go around the fence to the right, there is a new hose with good pressure. see the photo
Acqua molto buona finalmente di sorgente!!
Good water, with nice people who even carried my heavy canister to the car.
va bene se dovete riempire un bidoncino ma non se dovete ricaricare il serbatoio perché non ci si arriva vicino con l'auto